New school, new kid

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"Blair! You're going to be late!" I hear my grandma yell from across the house. "I'm getting up Gran!" I yelled back to her. I pulled off my comforter and rolled out of bed, not ready for the day to start. "C'mon child, you need to eat." My grandma says, standing in the door way. "I know grandma, gimme a minute." I say. I put on my oversized graphic shirt and quickly pull on my skinny jeans. I put on my Doc Martens and tie them as fast as possible so I had time to eat.
"Hey grandma." I say as I walk towards the bar. "What'd you make this time?" I ask. "Chocolate pancakes, your favorite." She says with a big smile on her face. "Thank you grandma." I say smiling, I had always loved chocolate pancakes. I eat them down grab my bag. "Bye Granny!" I yell. "Bye hun!" She yells back as I run out to my car.

I pull up to the parking lot and park my car by the road. I grab my bag and began my walk to the doors. 'Here goes nothing.' I think to myself as I open the giant doors. The school was big and open. The school opens up to a huge cafeteria, next to that was the student lounge. "Ma'am?" I took over to see a woman standing in front of me with a bunch of papers in her hand. "Yes?" I ask. "Is your name Blair Marcani?" She asked. "Yep, that's me." I say with enthusiasm, trying to sound as if I was excited. "Oh, come in here please." She asked quietly. She walks me into the office. The sign reads the date, 'August 21, 2026.' "Alright, here is your schedule and your map. What is your date of birth?" She asks. "January 5th, 2009." I say with a smile. "Okay, and where you're from?" She asks, returning the smile. "North Dakota." I say, looking around. As she puts in my information I study her face. She had Caramel hair with blue streaks. Her eyes were a soft brown. She must've been senior that has Office helper as one of her extras. I couldnt wait to see if she was an athletics with me. "You may go ma'am." She says with a small smile. "What's your name?" I ask in a polite manner. "Jaci." She says with a shy smile. "Okay." I say and turn to find my first class.

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