Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

OKAY so I think I'm in love... One of my guy friends WORE EYELINER. LIKE SHUT UP DO U WANT ME TO SIMP. IM TRYING TO BE UR FRIEND. UGH. He looked rly good too :( Send help pls I can't like him.


I jumped, stumbling forward a step before lowering my head and continuing walking.


I turned around, slightly annoyed. Ronan (of all people) was running in the hall after me. What the hell.

He stopped a few feet away from me. "God, it is so hard to get your attention."

I cringed. "Sorry."

He shaked his head and walked past me. I scrambled to catch up; his strides were abnormally long. Completely oblivious to my struggle, Ronan zoned on, "So, I was thinking for our project we could meet somewhere or something. And we need to get the mirrors and supplies too. I'm so happy she decided to make the midterm a group project-"

"Hi, Ronan," A petite blonde girl jumped next to him. I stepped back, casting my gaze to the floor again. I had a feeling this would be embarrassing.

"Hey Annalise." She smiled at him, and I couldn't help but notice the natural beauty she had.

"Did you need help with history again? I just wanted to ask, because of the big test coming up."

Ronan shook his head, "Nah, I think I'm good." I drifted back further, and it didn't slip my notice how smoothly their conversation went.

"Okay, cool. Also, I'm having a party this Friday if you wanted to go."

Ronan smiled at her and I pulled out my phone to look at Instagram pictures I had already seen, "Yeah that'd be great, thanks. Is it okay if I bring Tyler?"

She nodded, and her curled hair bounced. "Ya! Of course. I gotta go to Chem, see you later."

He waved as she split off and went in the other direction. "Bye."

Ronan didn't even realize that he had been in the middle of a convo with me before. He just walked off to his next class, taking the next hall to the opposite side of the building. And I thought he wasn't an asshole. Turns out they're all the exact same.


The next day was better. My mood hadn't been ruined... yet. I was having trouble picking something to eat from the cafeteria though.

"C'mon guys, I just need an answer. I'm still hungry."

"You just ate two bagels," Lyla said.

"Hey, they were small," I pointed out.

"Get chips," Tyra answered.

I considered for a moment.


Lyla laughed. "That was easy. Normally it's a lot harder."

I huffed and glared at her, sliding out of my seat at the table.

I almost screamed in agony when the bell rang. That fucking bell.

Lyla laughed again and I took a deep breath. Yeah, I think it was pretty safe to say my mood was now ruined. Not to mention I had art next, and I had to act semi normal in front of Ronan.


"Fuck you, asshole."

It just came out, I swear it. One minute I was sitting at my desk, the next minute my stuff was on the floor and Travis stood over it. He looked shocked that I'd even spoken to him.

"Excuse me?"

I looked at the asshole and huffed. This would not end well if I didn't apologize. He was in the same social circle as Ronan, and his art sucked ass. Yeah, I'm petty sometimes get over it.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Two and a half more years, Kia.

"I didn't hear that, what?"

I glared at Travis, the hatred seeping through my gaze. Travis took a step back. I laughed when I realized it was probably just because I was the quiet kid and, well, you know what they say happens when quiet kids blow up. Travis looked even more distrubed when I started laughing. It just made me laugh harder. The look on his face was priceless.

Then Ronan came in and Travis clamped him on the back. Ronan stiffened and smiled at him before sitting down in the seat next to me. I turned to see Travis had walked away before snickering again. God, I hated people like him. I really really hoped he was scared of me. It would help me sleep at night.

"Hey, Kia."

"Hey." Sort, blunt, good job Kia.

"So, I was thinking--"

"Hey, look a bird." He stopped, looked at me. Yeah, I really really needed to shut up.

"Sorry, continue."

He didn't even question me, just kept talking. "I was thinking that maybe we could work on the project this weekend."

I raised my eyebrows, "Oh, I thought you had a party."

Ronan furrowed his eyebrows. "How'd you know about that..."

I stared at him and his eyes widened. "Oh shit. Fuck. I'm so sorry Kia. I didnt- shit."

I sighed. "It's fine. It already happened, just don't forget me next time. " He nodded, and swallowed, his adams apple bobbing.

"It's fine if you want to go to the party too. We can just do it next weekend."

"No, no it's okay. I'm not going anyway."

I pulled my old computer out of my bag. "Are you sure?"

He pulled out his computer. "Yeah I'm sure. And I really am sorry about yesterday. That was a douche move."

I smirked at him, "No one can be douchier than Travis, so I think you're in the clear."

Ronan glanced at Travis. I scrolled through my phone before I felt his eyes on me. I turned to Ronan. "Yes?"

He hesitated. "Does he bother you? Travis?"

"Yeah, It's okay though. When I get mad I have no filter. I'm pretty sure he's scared I'm secretly a serial killer anyway."

Ronan nodded, deming this an acceptable answer. I laughed. I don't know why he even talked to me. "So, is Saturday good then?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's good."

Yay! Chapter 4 is done. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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