TWO┊a very shelby wedding

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wild and outragerous? 

SITTING IN THE CHURCH, JOSEPHINE felt like she could commit murder. The irony. The raging hangover she was enduring made almost everything unbearable to her, everything sounding amplified and unnecessarily loud. But she managed to keep a happy face, wanting to be pleasant for her brother's special day. She had managed to cover up the effects of her hangover with a bit of makeup and had cleaned up nicely. She wore a black dress that stopped a few inches above her knees, accompanied with a black fur coat, black heels and a pearl necklace. One wouldn't have known that she had drank an ungodly amount of alcohol the night before.

Her sister-in-law, Linda was sat to Josephine's right, and John was sat on her left. Josephine was less acquainted with Linda - but that was because neither of them had really made an effort to get along too well. They weren't particularly fond of one another, and only tolerated each other. In fact, upon arriving at the wedding, Josephine had only given the woman a smile as a greeting along with a quick side hug. And beside John was Esme, then Finn, then Ada, then Michael and Polly. Arthur was at the altar with Tommy, who looked incredibly tensed.

   "That boy over here looks like he wants to fuck you over the altar," John whispered in her ear, but not quiet enough to avoid a disapproving glare from Linda. The "boy" he was referring to wasn't much of a boy at all. In fact, he looked to be around Josephine's age. But in John's eyes, that was enough to be considered a "boy." Josephine's eyes drifted over to the opposite side of the church, where the young man was indeed eye-fucking her. She only returned an amused smile, before turning back to John.

   "He looks young and inexperienced," Josephine commented. The man reminded her too much of Harry back at the theatre. He was attractive, but not her type at all.

   "Aren't you?" John asked the twenty-two-year-old, an eyebrow raised. John still saw Josephine as a baby - his little sister who would talk for hours without taking a single breath and had an unmatched attitude. But it would be no surprise to him - as much as he hated it - that she had the same high libido and sexual tendencies as her brothers - having sex constantly, almost like an animal in heat. "Josie." The nickname was spoken with warning, and the young woman in question smiled sheepishly.

Thankfully, the wedding started before John could grill her properly. Grace arrived at the entrance, hand held by her uncle, General Curran.

   "Here come the cavalry. Late, as fucking usual," John grumbled rather loudly. Josephine snickered, bowing her head to hide it. John glanced down at her, smiling. 

The service itself went smoothly, with Jeremiah leading it. And there wasn't much time wasted in going outside to take the pictures. In all honesty, Josephine just wanted some booze, despite still being somewhat hungover. She would need a lot of it to get through an entire day being glared at by Grace's guests. There was clear tension in the air, and she was one glare away from smashing a glass on someone's head.

   "Calm down, Josie. I'm sure if looks could kill we'd be having a funeral right now instead of a wedding," Michael spoke from beside her as everyone argued, trying to get ready for the big "new family" wedding photo. Josie and Michael got along well, considering they were only a year apart in age. She often called him with her problems, seeing as he didn't have the same protectiveness over her as her brothers and Polly had. He was still protective, just not as much.

   "I can't help it," Josephine reasoned, even though she knew she could. She just didn't want to.

   "You're an actress, aren't you? Act," Michael said with a small chuckle. Josie rolled her eyes playfully, already feeling like her career choice was going to be the main focus of a running joke.

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