Chapter 3:

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"Well hello Harry..but look i don't know why i need a therapist so i don't need you trying to help me." I said

"I just need you to talk about what's going on in your head." Harry replied

So that's what i did i told him about my dad being murdered last year and how it completely wrecked my mum and me and it still wrecks me and that i lost all my friends as i completely abandoned myself for the world and didn't reply to anyone's messages and calls.

"And do you know who murdered your father?" Harry asked while he scribbled god knows what on his little black notepad.

"No, but i wish it did i would make them suffer so bad.. my dad was so sweet and caring and he didn't deserve to die." I said my eyes beginning to water. I sniffled and  rubbed the tears out of my eyes.

"hm...I understand that you're angry and sad but i don't think let's your emotions get in the way would help you, if you do anything stupid then you'll get in trouble." He said

"I know but it's been a year since my father died and no one knows who did it."

After talking for some more Harry said that today's session was finally over.I stood up as he did and we walked over to the door he put his hand on my shoulder and i froze.

"I'll see you next week for another session?" Harry spoke but i was to distracted about his hand that was on my shoulder and how close he was...he smelt really good.

"Oh yeah bye!" I said while rushing out the door he gave me a confused look , i saw my mum and we left.

Why was i nervous? Nothing even happened but him being so close made my breath catch on my throat. What the hell is wrong with me.

And with that me and my mum got in the car and drove away as Harry was stuck in my thoughts.

I don't know why but that was hard to write for absolutely no reason?

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