Chap 9

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"That's all for today. Go home and rest properly! I'll see y'all next training session."

We had already finished packing up and most of the team had already gone home. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were the first to head out. The freak duo somehow still had energy and insisted to practice some more. Most of the second years had gone back too, but I wanted to stay behind for a little bit. I missed the clubroom so I wanted to check it out before I leave for the day. Plus, I left my bag in there so I have to get it anyways.

In the clubroom, the three third years were chatting and reminiscing. They all looked so much happier and relaxed after Asahi came back. I smiled as I heard their laughter. Once I had finished packing up my things, I stood up to leave the clubroom. "Bye Daichi! Bye Suga! Bye Asahi!", I waved as I exited.

The cool night air greeted me as I stepped out. The temperature out was just nice, not too hot, not too cold. I made my way down the stairs and out the gate.

It was a cloudless night, so the stars can be clearly seen. They dotted the sky, shining brightly. The last time I looked up at the night sky, I was breaking down and full of hopelessness. But this time, seeing the stars filled me with a warm happiness. Things were turning around. I was back in the club, Asahi is still playing, we have amazing first years and a good chance to go to nationals! I chuckled quietly to myself as I added a skip on my steps. Of course while I was 'skipping', a voice rang out in the night's silence.


It caught me off guard, causing me to nearly face plant into the ground, but my body naturally went into a diving receive. Go figure. The ground was much rougher than the gym's so my arms were hurt more. "Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark-", I mumbled as I examined the scratches on my forearm. I had decided to roll up my jacket sleeves once practice was over like the smartass I am so now I'm in this situation. On the bright side, I didn't tear my jacket?

A tall figure loomed over me, covering the light from a nearby lamp post. I felt irrational fear shoot down my spine. A big hand reached out and a gentle face came into sight. "Nishinoya, are you okay?? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Asahi said with creased eyebrows. I felt my heartbeat speed up as I accepted his hand and he pulled me up. His hand felt rough but it was gentle as he guided me to my feet. "Thank you Asahi-san! And I'm fine, it's no big deal." I patted his shoulder with my free hand. Wait... My hand is still interlocked with his?!

It seemed like Asahi noticed it at the same time I did cause the both of us released each other's hand at the same time. I saw the tips of his ears go red. I'm pretty sure my face was as red. I looked up at the tall male. He was avoiding my gaze, trying to calm down from the embarrassment. His pretty face was completely flushed and his eyes seemed a little watery. God dammit he's cute-

I exhaled, trying to calm my heart, before asking, "So, what did you call me for?" He jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. I tilted my head. He then sighed and stuttered, "I- uhm"

"Can we talk?"

I looked down at the ground.


This is just a short in-between chapter. The next one will be much longer, I promise. Actually , I've already finish writing it already so I can upload it soon. I just have to finish the chapter after that first :>

(a small comparison: this chapter is around 600 words long, next one is around 1000. It doesn't seem like there's a very big difference but the next chapter's content is slightly heavier sOo)

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