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Emily’s POV

 “Up next, The Next Step,” the announcer called.

 This is it. After 14 years at The Next Step, I can’t believe that I’m going to be standing on the Nationals stage. One by one, we walked on stage and got into our positions, sitting next to each other in a sequence. Then… the audience got quiet and the music started playing. Soon afterwards, the audience started cheering again. You could feel the adrenaline going on. Leaps and jumps and turns and flips, we had it all. The performance was almost over, and I was positive that we were going to win; we got it in the bag.

 But then everything got blurry. I felt an intense, sharp pain in my right leg. I must’ve landed on my foot wrong. I couldn’t let my team down, not after everything we had to go through. I looked up, and then, realizing that it was the end of the performance, quickly held on to West for our final pose. I had to go to Kate and Phoebe, but I could barely move 2 inches. My head felt dizzy and tired. As I was about to faint, somebody lifted me up, held my waist, in a firm but gentle grip, then carried me over to Ms. Kate.

 “Emily, are you okay? Come, come here and sit,” Ms. Kate insisted.

 I knew that I had to sit down and get my knee checked, but I didn’t want to let go of the person holding me. Something about being close to them was so comforting. I buried my face in their chest, whispered a “thank you”, and then finally got off.

 “I’d do anything for you, Emily,” the voice replied. The voice, I could recognize that voice anywhere. The voice belonged to the person I once fallen for. The person who spent an entire evening with me in a costume closet, talking about sharks and grandmas, the person who stood with me while everyone was against me, the person who knew me more than I knew myself.

 It was Hunter.

 I looked up into eyes, and then the pain from my knee felt like nothing. I slowly reached forward and grabbed his hand, without breaking contact. He didn’t let go, he just held on tighter. My teammates started to surround me, asking me if I was okay.

 “I’m okay,” I said, “I’m with Hunter.”

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