An Agressive Buyer

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I was scheduled several meetings in person mostly to get myself used to being hands on with the management teams. One was a meeting that didn't have any notes on, just said meeting was a must see me. No name or nothing, when I questioned managers they looked guilty, but said nothing. In walks the guy who interviewed me for a hugging job. We both looked shocked, but I asked what the meeting was about and he said that he had tried to buy the company once before and found that the seller didn't own the company.
Christian Grey
Oh good Lord, this can't be happening again. This young lady couldn't own this company. My research said Anastasia Lane and now Anastasia Steele owned the company. Someone assumed the owner had just married and her name changed on the documents. Again not doing a full search on it, like birthdates, marital status and the such. I asked if she could provide proof that she was indeed the owner.
Ana Steele
I most assuredly do own the company and had been co owner until my grandmother took her name off it before she died. So it s fully mine. Now why did you want a meeting Mr Grey?
Well I want to buy the company and have for a while Richard Garret attempted to sell it to me, but we found out he didn't own it at all. I want to update the equipment and hire new management, because your managers are really not doing much. Like this meeting they didn't even ask me why I wanted the meeting they just put me on the books right?
Well yo are correct about that and that's why I am here now. The whole place is being updated and the lazy workers are being replaced by the best workers today,your appointment in particular gave me the reason to fire the person who gave it to you without telling me. He wanted me out of his hair and figured you would keep him on out of loyalty. He's not loyal to anything but his salary. Let's talk shall we? I think we can come to an agreement on a few things. I want to watch you fire the smug ass and I want to keep a percentage of the company. We canceled meetings and had lunch and then dinner debating over the direction he wanted to take the company in. He wanted to rebrand it to GEH, I asked that he use the Lane name as well. He recommended GEH Lane division. We agreed for now. It took four weeks and a lot of rewording of contracts.attorneys on both sides amassing huge billable hours. Finally the day he fires Jack Hyde and his male cronies who treated me like crap. He knew this day was coming, he just thought he could have been given a bonus. What he didn't know is that I was excellent in accounting and had caught the extras he and the upper management had taken as bonuses. A group of employees brought to my attention that their yearly bonuses weren't given out to them. According to Jack Hyde it was a slow year. Once I got into it I saw Jack had rerouting the money mostly to him and the upper management. I went to work on taking the amounts out of the upper managements salaries and finally gave staff their bonuses. I told the upper management that I could fire them immediately and have them arrested for embezzlement and fraud or they give up the money they took from the staff with interest. Hyde ended up owing more than his check and had to write me a huge check. I said it better not bounce Hyde. I don't think orange would look good on you. As it is you might want to give up you extra curricular activities. Yes I know about them. I also know about the sexual harassment and when I can you will pay for that as well.
Why you.
Watch it Hyde my guy over there is the girls brother. He's just itching to take you down and protecting me from you would make it legal and in front of witnesses unlike what you tried on his sister. I call coward, you only go after women, well this woman owns this company so as such I own you. You would do well to remember that.
I want to kick Hyde's ass badly. Amy came home crying and I told Ana about the situation and she transferred her to a better paying job away from Hyde's grubby hands.
Four weeks later a very angry Hyde arrives in a junk piece of car after he had to return his new BMW to the dealer. The owner fond out about more money he had pocketed and took a few more checked and his savings took a huge hit.
I walk in and notice the building has a new logo. GEH et Lane division. My name is off my door and a new one is on it Sandy O'Shea President. WTF. I try my key and nothing works. I head to personal and the door has a different name as well. Instead of Elizabeth Morgan Head of HR, it says Beth O'Shea Head of Human Resources. I walk in and the girl I fired for not having sex with me is sitting at reception.
Analisa Fenton
Mr Hyde you are late for your appointment. We have to reschedule, I have to have your passes please.
I glare at her and ask what she's talking about?
Well I have to take your passes and your company credit cards. The company was bought and the new owner wants them and will explain at the meeting which you were late for. The new owner is a very busy person. We can reschedule the appointment for this afternoon. He has a 1:15 to 1:25 slot if you want it.
Okay, but where do I work at now?
Oh yes, let's see, you work in the ail room for now. I need our passes and the company credit cards please.
I thrown them at her just missing her smug face.

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