c h a p t e r - t w o

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Lilah's POV.

The next morning, I walk into uni for my first lecture.

I actually have a car, but I figure walking is much better for me and the environment. I meet Kira and we take our usual seats in the middle, on the left-hand side.

Halfway through the lecture, my brother texts me asking me to meet him at The Junction. He wants me to see his new tattoo and meet our new roommate.

I look it up on my phone, it's only a ten-minute walk from uni.

"I've got to go meet my brother at this tattoo parlour. I'll meet you for lunch at one, okay?" I agree with Kira and start walking over to The Junction.

It's a flashy building with a huge sign above the door. I step inside and I'm immediately hit with the smell of disinfectant, the buzzing of needles and blaring music from the overhead speakers.

The décor is all chrome metallics and black leather, very modern-bachelor pad.

Very not me.

I go over to the counter. There is a tall girl has half of her head shaved and the other half bright pink, standing behind it.

She's covered in ink and has piercings along her collarbones and in her cheeks. She looks me up and down, taking in my trainers and sun dress.

It's hot for September, I thought I'd get my legs out whilst I still can.

"Can I help you?" She asks, looking vaguely amused by my presence.

From all the unmarked skin I'm showing, it's obvious I'm not a regular at The Junction.

"My brother asked me to meet him here, his name is Micah Myers," I tell her, and she smiles, revealing a piercing in her gums above her front teeth.

"Sure. He's in room number four down the corridor," she answers.

I follow where she's pointing and walk down a corridor, the walls lined with tattoo designs. The buzzing gets louder, and the music gets quieter.

I hear male laughter and I see a door open ahead with the number four on it.

I step through the doorway and notice Micah sitting down in a leather chair. A man with his back to me is bent over his arm with a tattooing needle in his hand.

From behind, I can see the streams of tattoos wrapped around both of his arms. They run up his neck, under his t-shirt and into his hairline. Jett is seated on a stool next to Micah, he looks up as I step inside.

"Hey, Lilah. Come see what Micah is getting." He laughs and points to Micah's arm.

I walk to them and lean over the tattoo artist to see what Micah has chosen. I don't miss how he immediately tenses up at my close proximity.

I scowl as I see a heart with "Mum" written over it.

"Oh, come on, it's funny," Micah says, and I shake my head at him, stepping back.

"You're an idiot, she's going to kill you." I sigh in exasperation.

The tattoo artist leans back and turns off the needle.

"Sorry, Lilah, this is Sinn. Sinn, this is my sister, Lilah," Micah introduces us, not even looking up as he checks out the new addition on his arm.

Sinn stands up and turns around to face me, I involuntarily take a small step back. He sees this and for a second, hurt flashes in his eyes. It's not what he thinks, he might think I'm scared of him or disapproving of his appearance, when in fact, it's the exact opposite.

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