Chapter 2

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"They call me siren"

"Where did you come from?"

"That's not important. what's important is that you tell no one of what you've seen. at least not until tomorrow when I tell the rest if them. do you promise?"

"Yea sure. I promise"

"Good" what have I just gotten myself into. oh well I guess I have no choice now.

"I'm gonna head inside now because I'm pretty sure we're done here." and we were until I noticed blood dripping from his side.

"Oh my God Roy did he shoot you?"

"Looks that way doesn't it."

"Here come inside."

Once we were inside Roy laid on the couch as directed after he argued that blood stains wouldn't wash out and insisted I lay a blanket down. I called Felicity while I was getting the first aid kit telling her what happened, you know leaving out a few details.
I ran back to where Roy was laying and life this shirt to where he had a graze wound across his side. I stitched his wound and sat next to him.

"Thanks" he said looking at his newly patched injury. He stayed a little while longer until almost 6 in the morning when he said he was going to head home but I insisted because it was so early/late that he just stay at my house the rest of the night. So he did but neither of us slept. We stayed up all night, or what was left of it, and played board games. it was almost eight o'clock when my phone rang. it was Felicity .


"Hey ummm can you come the the foundry. and bring Roy."

"Ok why"

"Ummmmmmm...gotta go bye" so that was wierd the Felicity I knew was never this vague. whatever

"Roy Felicity wants us to meet her at the foundry if you wish to change outbid your bloodstained clothes I highly suggest you go do that if not stay here ." I said running upstairs to change out of yesterday's clothes. I was too lazy to pick out something super cute so I just threw on a pair of black leggings, a superman t-shirt, a black north face jacket, and my combat boots from yesterday.

I ran downstairs to find Roy still sitting on the couch. guess he doesn't want to change out of bloodstained clothing.

"Ready?" He asked grabbing his red hoodie.

"Yep." We left my house and headed towards verdant, or more like what's underneath. once we were there Roy had to unlock it despite my arguments just to tell me the pass code. so being myself I watched him enter it. 141. note to self: remember that.

"Hey Felicity what's the issue."

"Well first off what happened to Roy and why are his clothes blood stained.

"Long story?" I suggested before Roy could give anything away.

"Well it seems we all have plenty of time don't we."

"Um I thought you needed us for something."

"Yea well now we don't so STORY TIME!" Yep same old Felicity. I'll bet there wasn't even an issue to begin with. oh well I guess I can trust these people even though I just met them. here it goes .

"When Felicity and I split ways to go to separate colleges 5 ish years ago I went to California. when I got there I discovered parts that were less than perfect. the crime levels were at an all time high. so when I met Scarlett we teamed up and became heroes, for sometime anyway. Scarlett wasn't happy with just fighting local crimes so she became what i feared most and she dragged me down with her. eventually we were no longer heroes...we had become the villains. we killed so many people and that's when I left. I heeded to a place where I hoped she wouldn't find me. Central City. there I put te vigilante act on hold and tried so hard to forget but how can you forget something when it took and entire part if you away. I leaned how to shoot a bow and created these high tech sonic hand grenades which leads me to why Roy was shot. a man was trying to steal them and Roy was helping me hold him off. he's currently in police custody and Roy will be fine." well that was load off. but when I looked at everyone they were silent Felicity was confused, Oliver was expressionless as always, Diggle was still processing it seemed and Roy wasn't even looking at me. after what seemed like an eternity Oliver spoke up.

"So what do we call you?"


"You are joining us right?"

"You can call me Siren"

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