𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 ⁑︎ Study Hall

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Aerin's POV
I had just gotten off the bus with Sana, we were talking about our history test that was coming up when I noticed Sunghoon leaning against the stone wall to our school. He looked up from his phone, so I waved cheerfully at him while smiling. He waved back and smiled at me. "Who are you waving at?" Sana asked. "Sunghoon." I replied, still smiling cheerfully. Sana looked at me for a moment then started to jump up and down squealing uncontrollably. "What!?" I asked panicked. "You like Sunghoon don't you!?" She asked, still jumping up and down like a little kid. "What! No! I'm just being polite." I replied. Sana stopped jumping, and patted her skirt down. "Anyways, back to the history test..."
     "Ok I'm going to take attendance, and then I'll just let you all have a free period to do whatever you want!" Mr.Kim announced. You could hear all of the small happy noises students were making. Mr.Kim finished taking attendance, and then he let us do whatever. "You can got to the library if you would like, or maybe even the computer lab!" He said. I grabbed my books and headed to the library. "Are you gonna come?" I asked Sana. "No, I would rather work on my essay for student government in here. But thanks for asking!" She replied. I nodded my head and walked out the door. The halls were rather empty considering we had a free period, and it was the beginning of the class time block, and usually during the beginning of that time block, student are in the halls to make their way to the bathroom or locker. I got to the library door and opened it carefully. I was expecting lots of students, but there weren't any. I went to the back of the library, where there was a couch. As I got closer I saw a boy. I didn't think anyone else was in here, but I still made my way over the other side of the couch from where to boy was sitting. I didn't want to look at him since I thought it might be awkward, so I just calmly sat down and pulled out a book. "Funny seeing you here" the boy said. I recognized the voice and looked up. "I didn't even see you walk out of the class room. How did you get here so fast?" I asked. "I got to class early and Mr.Kim told me I could go ahead and start my free period." He replied. "Plus, I knew you would come here." I smiled a tiny bit. "Your Funny, Sunghoon" I said sarcastically.
I continued to read my book when someone sat next to me and put their arm around my shoulders. "Sooo Ms. New girl, you're from Busan?". I looked back to see a new face. It was a boy. He was tall, had broad shoulders, was most definitely an athlete. "My name is Aerin, and yes, I'm from Busan." I said I'm a full tone. I don't know what this guy wants but I'm not in the mood to find out. "So, I was wondering, since you're new and don't really know anyone, I wanted to ask if you would want to go out for coffee sometime and get to know each other. I'm in your science class and Mr. Kang has already asked me to be your partner this semester. So what do ya say?". I paused to think. I most definitely knew that this guy was flirting, but he is also being really nice. "Sure, that sounds fun." "Cool".

Sunghoon's POV
The hell?! I know that I barley know Aerin and have only known her for a day but I really like her. Whether I like her as being more than a friend or not, it's still ticking me off that this guy came out of nowhere and basically asked Aerin on a date. If I wanted to ask Aerin on a date I would wait until she more settled into her new house, but this guy can't seem to wait... jesus
     "Well, I'm going to go  ahead and leave. I am meeting Sana near the stairs next to the auditorium so we can walk to class together. I'll see you around... what was your name by the way?" Damn... I didn't get a lot of time to talk to Aerin.. "Shit! Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Park Taehyung!" Shit. Taehyung. He's a major player. I knew he looked familiar. "Well, it was nice meeting you Taehyung! Oh, Sunghoon! I'll see you later!" Aerin turned to me cheerfully. She's full of light. I gave her a smirk and then she was off. "See you around, bro." Taehyung said to me as he grabbed his backpack and left. He didn't say it in a rude, sarcastic manner. He was actually nice. But that doesn't mean I'm not suspicious about him.

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Wednesday December 15th 8:29 PM 2021
Hey guys! I'm back! I know this chapter may have seemed rushed, but I wrote the first half more than a year ago and just now finished this chapter so it may seem a bit out of place.
I am so excited to be back and I have so many ideas for this story!! I hope you are just as excited as I am!

Character facts

- Aerin is very smart. She's creative with her thinking and always try's every possible solution
- Taehyung is a very complicated person. He often has lots of conflicting opinions, but usually goes with the opinions or decisions that he feels are best fit for the situation.

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