The Aliens Who Think We're Aliens - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:             Day In The Life

I woke with a bang, literally.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Still stuck in my nightmare, I had a little heart attack before I realised what was happening.

"Mum, I'm still sleeping!"  It's really annoying when you can't fall asleep the night before and then get woken up early by someone you don't really feel like talking to. 

I heard a sigh before the routine response, "that's the problem." 

Personally, I disagree.  I believe the problem is that I have to get up every morning to go to school, and to go through the same boring routine everyday.  I've been stuck in this routine since I was 6.  Well, that was when the routine changed, and I started school.  I switched from the "toddler" routine to the "student" routine. 

The schedule never falters:

-5am -Wake up


-Go to school

                -6am -Period 1

                -8am -Period 2

                -10am -Period 3

                -12noon -Lunch

                -2pm -Period 4

                -4pm -Period 5

-6pm -Go home

-Do homework

-7pm -Recreation

-9:30pm -Dinner

-11pm -Sleep

The recreation period isn't too bad.  At least I get to go for a run, and escape the reality I live in.  Sometimes with music blasting in my ears to block out the noise of our society.  It's my happy place that I often refer to throughout the day.  Everyone has learned to just let me run.  They know not to bother me.  If they do, the stress I'm trying to run off gets directed towards them.  All but one of the select few who have experience my wrath -let's call it- now avoid me.  I don't blame them, and am kind of thankful.

The one who has experienced my "wrath" but still talks to me and loves me is one of my three best friends, Maddie.

Crap, it's already 5:20! I was supposed to meet her in the cafeteria 3 minutes ago!

I jumped out of bed, and threw on some jeans, and a t-shirt.  I kept my long auburn hair down and curled.  I grabbed my mEdi, and my computer then rushed out the door. 

I live on level 6.  That's the sixth level outward from the core.  Every level has sleeping quarters where families live.  There are about 1000 homes per level, and more as you get further from the core where the levels get bigger.  There is also a cafeteria and kitchen on every level.  Thankfully I live right next to the one on level six; otherwise I would've been even later than I am to meet up with Maddie.

Maddie was sitting in our usual place; next to the wall that has the lava lamp like design on it.  She likes the multicoloured shapes and I personally don't care where we sit as long as I know where I'm going.

"Hey Maddie, so sorry I'm late."

"It's okay."  She replied looking up from her book with a smile.  I knew she'd understand.  She was the one who forgave me for my wrath.  I think deep down she has a bit of wrath inside her too. I think she feels the same way.  Though she is calming and doesn't like to cross the lines authority puts down, every now and then she gets her moments when she just needs to escape for a bit.  Instead of running she reads.  She reads all the books she can find, and then when she runs short on new material she'll start writing her own. 

"So, how's breakfast looking today?" I asked hoping to hear it's something good.

"Well, it's nothing new and exciting."  

"Story of my life," I mumble.


Maddie went back to her reading as I went and got some food. 

Because we're a hidden society there is only so much you can get to eat.  There is plant life on Mars, but you can only have so much salad before your stomach dries up. I grabbed a bowl with some dried oats, and poured some hot water over it.  Finally, I grabbed a spoon, and mixed the porridge as I walked back to where Maddie was reading.

I had the whole day to look forward to. 



Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

If your interested, I've got a twitter account @drummergirl_07

I don't tweet very much, but I will tweet updates on the story.

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