Part 24

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My Basketball Player

Part 24


I was at the grocery store with Jaquan. Jacquees should be home by now. I picking some snacks for through out the week and something for dinner tonight. I got that and headed to the baby ale. I grabbed some formula and diapers. I paid and went to the car. I strapped Jaquan in then put the groceries in the car. I got in starting the car. I made it to the house and looked back at Jaquan. I grabbed Jaquan first and walked inside. I walked right into a huge cloud of smoke. I covered my mouth and covers Jaquan taking him to his room. I closed his door opening up the windows. I started coughing. I walked out his room closing the door behind me. I was opening windows around the house. Jacquees had at least 10 people in here. They were all smoking.


He turned around like he saw a ghost. I crossed my arms. He turned the game off and everyone put out what they were smoking. Jacquees told them they needed to leave. I held the door open and they left dapping him. I slammed the door shut and he tried hugging me. I pushed him back.

Tay: You're fucking kidding me?!

Jacquees: It was just a few friends.

Tay: There's 10 of them Jacquees.  Obviously you can't count. Go to the car and get the groceries before I kick your ass.

I turned walking into Jaquan room. I opened his door and I'm glad no smoke got in here. I opened more windows and sprayed the house. I should kick his ass, having all them niggas in my house. Jacquees came back in with the groceries. He wrapped his arms around me and I pushed him away.

Jacquees : You for real mad ?

Tay: Yes the fuck I am. You know damn well we have a fucking son. What makes it okay for you to bring all them here and let them smoke in the house like it ain't shit!

Jacquees : You guys weren't here.

Tay: You're lucky as fuck I brought Jaquan with me. Jacquees you're a parent now you can't be doing this shit. If they are going to smoke at least have them outside Quees.

He groaned and walked into the livingroom. I put the groceries away. The baby started crying and I ignored it hoping Jacquees would get him. He kept crying and I looked out of the kitchen seeing Jacquees playing the game. I threw my rag on the counter. When I walked past him I smacked him in the back of the head. I got Jaquan bouncing him.  I put him in his swing near Jacquees.

Tay: Watch him while I cook

Jacquees : Mhmmm.

Tay: Jacquees are you even listening to me ?

Jacquees : Somewhat . Yes.

I walked over to the tv turning it off. I unplugged the game crossing my arms looking at him. He sighed looking up at me. He's had an attitude lately since Jaquan was born. It really upsets me.

Tay: You've been having attitude problems lately. Clean your act the fuck up. You wanted a child so act like a damn adult. I'm not trying to raise two kids.

Jacquees : Relax. You're the one with the attitude. Damn.

Tay: Really ? If this is how you were going to act, why are we still in a relationship?

Jacquees : Cause we love each other. It's just sometimes we get on each others nerves.

Tay: Watch my damn son.

I walked off into the kitchen and started cooking. Once I finished everything I made us plates and Jaquan a bottle. I walked out and Jaquan was asleep. I handed the plate to Jacquees and started eating.

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