The Invitation

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Did you like Crave? If you did, then meet the sequel~ Indulge

Basically this one will have somewhat the same thing as Crave but still,, Khole and Asumi will take this part once again...

Eitherway~ Enjoyy

It was a nice sunny day. The sky was clear and the couple was off to exploring some parts of the Enormous Mitsu Property. They went through countless patches of unique plantation and weirdly looking creatures, most of them, actually have the ability to speak.

Asumi was riding through the forest with an ATV she owned. Her motives only relate to enjoying the rest of her break, go through the rideable pathways and grasp a moment of freedom with herself.

She stopped on top of a hill, gave the ATV awhile to cool down for the way home, she stretched and felt the soothing wind in her hair. All of a sudden, her summer hat flied away after strong gust of wind.

She attempted to grab it before it got higher but trips over and falls down. She looked up and saw that her hat had almost flew away,,

Khole rode by with great speed, on his own ATV, and us grabbed the hat before it passed the hill before flying away. Asumi got up with awe, oh how amazing he was. Khole stopped his ATV a few inches from Asumi's and approaches her. He brushed of the bits of dirt on the hat and placed it on Asumi's head, tying a simple knot on the strings so it won't fly away easily later.

"Be careful next time, alright?",
He said in a polite and soft tone. Making Asumi blush and nod while she looked into the scenery of the property. Who knew the Mitsu Family had enough wealth to own their own terrain and forest.

Khole smiled as he looked into the scenery as well, sitting down to see the sun start to set and sighed in relief. Asumi did the same and shuffled closer to Khole, admiring both the sunset and her Loving Husband. She moved closer to his face, lifted her chin up and closed her eyes. Khole, with the right response, leans in and-

"RING RING! You have an important message!",
Khole's Wrist Pad showed an urgent notification while the two where almost in the middle of having a perfect moment with each other. Khole sighed and Asumi pouted. Though, all and all, there can only be a very few sending important messages to Khole, and the name is no kidding.

The couple quickly rode their ATV's back to the household, going back through the path and forest. They got there within minutes due to the altering Khole worked on for the ATV's. There was a person on the front door steps, and she's the one who sent the message.

Mother of Asumi, Khole's mother-in-law. The Head of the Family and the Owner of the Mitsu Property.
She spent years of suffering and went through more than a lifetime.

She called the two to tell them something, face to face. The three entered Thera's office, sat down and She handed the couple an envelope, looking down and frowned. Which wasn't really a good sign.

"it's from the Machi Family, they sent us an Invitation to their family greeting but I want only you two to go.",
Thera said as Asumi opened the envelope. The invitation card was shimmering like gold, and written in gold ink. Just like the dragonic hybrids they are. Note that the Machi Family aren't using their wealth for good but using gold ink for invites isn't a smart idea.

Khole was confused and concerned. He didn't knew about the Machi Family but He's very sure they didn't actually have good ties with the Mitsu's. He took a glance upon the invitation card, read a few of the texts and well, it was just a normal invite. There's food, beverages, desserts, and..
That's it.

He wondered why Thera only wanted send them both, but who's he to judge. A party will always be a part-

"Ryujin only wanted Asumi to come"
Thera continued with an unnerving tone. Who was Ryujin?

Khole noticed that Asumi sighed with a heavy heart. She doesn't want to see the bastard. Ryujin used to be one of the few men who asked for Asumi's hand. Fortunately, she avoided having to spend her life with such an ignorant.
She found her true love, unexpectedly. Khole brought himself closer to Asumi, in attempt to make her feel safe.

The two was to go from the full set of the sun till past midnight, all they have to do is attend for 6 hours and then they can head back. Not a problem unless having to meet the new head of the Machi Family.
Ryujin Sui Machi

After awhile, Khole and Asumi were sent in with one of Thera's royals. They go through a nicely paved driveway with fancy gates. The entrance was no where near the 20th century, carefully selected plantation, a whole field of short grass and even countless dragon statues. The house itself looked like a Victorian Mansion with huge Japanese Influence packed onto it. The Machi Family sure are fancy.

The Royal arrived at the front, greeted by a staff man to bring the cars out of the way. Khole headed out of the door, gleaming with style with his officers uniform, with a tad of the few designs Asumi helped him choose. Asumi on the other hand brought herself out with a satin cape over her shoulder, her dress was mesmerizing, detailed with golden stitches and a nice long ribbon to go with the corset.

The couple stepped inside while Boyoe(assume he's legal to drive), drove to the back. Who knows how the Androkit would spend 6 hours.

The inside of the mansion was fully decorated. Like a cave system made from gold and jewels, the marble tiles made it seem like a castle.

Khole and Asumi were greeted by some of the family members, but one person stood out. He wore a white and gold suit, masculine jewelry and a head piece, seeming like a crown.
It was him.

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