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Team USA was staying in dorm rooms for the competition. In each dorm there were 2 bunk beds and our rooms were connected. I was placed in a dorm with Julie and Connie. Thank goodness I wasn't stuck with any of those slobs. But each night got worse as the boys played more pranks. It started out as classic feather and shaving cream trick on Dwayne. But soon, they started directing their pranks towards the girls.

One day I was showering in our dormitory bathroom. My clothes and my towel were folded nicely on the countertop near the sink. I hummed a tune that had been stuck in my head for a while. I washed my hair and got out of the shower. When I stepped out I noticed the absence of my towels and clothing and I knew exactly who took them. As I was raging with anger I heard snickers behind the door and I went straight towards it. I opened the door just a bit so people wouldn't see my naked body with my head peeking out. I made eye contact with Charlie, Averman, Goldberg, Jesse, Luis and Dwayne. They all stopped snickering and I rolled my eyes "Oh hey Wendy how's it going?" Goldberg asked while obviously holding my clothes behind his back. "Enough with the chit chat give me my clothes back." I said bluntly while reaching my hand out through the small crack of the door. "What are you talking about? We don't have your clothes." Averman said trying to get his way out of this. "Yeah we do! They're behind Goldberg's back!" Dwayne said with a laugh and everyone face palmed."You're not wearing any clothes?" Goldberg said as they all stood on their tippy toes and tilted their heads to catch a glimpse. "You take one peek and I can almost guarantee you a permanent disability." I said while pointing a finger at them. The put their hands up in defeat and slowly started walking backwards. "Hey okay!" Goldberg took a couple steps back and placed my clothes on the ground. "You want your clothes. Just come and get them." He said as the other boys high fived him and chuckled. "You guys make me sick. Just please give me my clothes!" I was practically begging. "No can do princess, it's lunch time and the Hollywood boulevard is waiting for us." The boys said as they left the hallway. I swear I could've started crying right then and there until I heard footsteps approaching. "What the..." I heard a familiar voice say and I shot my head out the door. "Adam! Oh thank god, c-can you uh- pass me those?" I pointed to my pile of clothes that were a couple feet away from me. The boy followed my gaze and went to grab them. He passed them to me not daring to look at me. "Thank you" I softly said in a whisper. I closed the door and dressed, when I was done I opened the door again and Adam was still there. "You alright?" He asked as we walked to the eating area they have downstairs. "I think so, but these pranks are getting out of hand. If it weren't for you I would've had to streak across the hallway." I laughed out. He smiled as we continued walking. "What do you say we explore today?" Adam asked while stopping to look at me. "I'd love too." I replied while grabbing an apple to eat on the go.

Adam and I spent the rest of the day out exploring Hollywood boulevard. We went into fancy stores - well ones that we were allowed into - and looked at how beautiful the architecture is. It was getting late and we were craving something to eat. "Ok then, how about ice cream?" Adam asked me and I thought about it for a second. I look up at him with bright eyes "Ice cream sounds perfect." I replied while strolling into the store with him. I got mint chocolate chip and he got rocky road. I handed in the money but Adam placed his hand on mine and shook his head. He insisted that he pays and I tried to argue but he made it really hard. "Alright fine." I said in defeat, he smirked and handed a $10 bill to the lady.

We walked out of the store and there was a bit of a chill. I shivered and right away Adam noticed. "Here take my jacket." He took of his blue coloured jacket and placed it on my shoulders. I smiled up at him and gave him a small thank you. We walked all the way back to the dorms eating our ice cream and talking. He walked me all the way to my door. "Thank you for the ice cream, I had a lovely time." I said searching his eyes. "I did too." He answered and was smiling down at me. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart began to pound as he was leaning in. I found myself inching closer, I closed my eyes but they shot open at the sound of a clunk. "Come on we were so close!" I thought. We turned our heads to see Adam's door wide open with Charlie, Averman and Jesse on top of each other, on the ground, a glass cup in hand. I laughed as they got up. "Hey guys!" Charlie said as he brushed off his clothes. I chuckled and put my head in my hands. "We'll leave you two alone." Averman said as he gave Adam a very noticeable wink and a thumbs up. The three boys piled back in their room and shut the door. "Uh... I guess I'll see you in the morning then." Adam exclaimed with a small smile plastered on his face. "Goodnight." I replied while opening my door and entered the dark room, closing it softly not wanting to wake up the girls. I put my back against the door and looked up thanking every god there ever was for this magical night. All of a sudden two lamps were turned on and Julie and Connie stared at me with huge grins on their face. "Soooo, how was it?" Julie asked as they perked up on their beds. "How was what?" I questioned and the two scoffed. "You're date with Adam you moron!" Connie squealed. "It was not a date!" I defended myself, I personally didn't even think of it as a date. "You're wearing his jacket!" Julie declared. "Ok then tell us what happened." Connie argued and I look at Julie to see her frantically nodding her head. I rolled my eyes, sat on my bed and told them what we did.

"And he gave you his jacket? And you still don't think it's a date? Open your eyes Miller! He even tried to kiss you!" Connie burst out. "You keep screaming and they're gonna hear us." I warned them as they finally gave up and went to bed. I laid down replaying every moment from tonight. "Maybe it was a date." I thought as I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

AN: thank you for reading! I even added a little Dawson's creek line in there 😉 22/11/2020

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now