Chapter 9: The Mystery Parents

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The next day, I had finished packing up my clothes and other travelling necessities into my luggage. After zipping up the baggage, I looked around the room to see if I had missed anything. I recognized the somewhat familiar pair of clothing on the chair and picked up to remember that I still had yet to return Soma's clothes to him.

I faced the door and left my room to head to Soma's room to return his clothes. After stepping out, I looked at the door numbers searching for Soma's. As I was walking, a loud voice called out to me.

"Huh?! When did you get a new set of clothes?!" My twin brother, Tadashi, yelled at me from across the hallway.

"When do you think when asshole?! The day that you decided to take my room and Soma ended up giving me his spare clothes!" I scowled at him as he laughed in return. Waving him off, I eventually found my way to Soma's room and knocked on his door. Soon enough, Soma's footsteps from inside were loud and clear as he opened the door.

"Ah, Yamazaki, so you were the one doing the yelling in the hallways. Anyways, can I help you?" Soma laughed in my face when he realized that I was the one yelling not too long ago.

"Hmph...! But anyway, here are your clothes back. Thanks for letting me stay in your room! See you later, Soma." I handed him the clothes back and turned back to head back to my room so I could finish packing.

After packing the last thing into my luggage, I closed the thing shut and got up from the ground to leave the hotel room. Closing the door behind me, I made sure to have the keycard on me and made it to the elevator to go to the main floor.

The elevator door soon opened as it hit the ground floor, allowing me to exit the resort hotel. When I made it to the front of the lobby and dropped off the keycards, I noticed that everyone from the Polar Star Dormitory, including my brother, was still lingering around the place.

"Hmm? You guys are still here?" I asked them out of curiosity

"Oh, Y/N chan! Hurry up, you slowpoke! We were waiting for you." Yuki screeched at me as I walked over

"Jeez, you got no patience," I sighed at her. Looking to my right, I noticed the familiar coral pink hair and recognized that to be none other than Shinomiya, "Ah! Shinomiya senpai!!" I called out to him as Soma and Megumi soon took notice of the chef.

"Oh? It looks like your buddy over there managed to survive the camp," Shinomiya said, whom I had assumed that he was referring to Soma.

"Well, it's all thanks to you, senpai," Soma said. Noticing the suitcase that Shinomiya held onto, I looked back at him.

"Are you leaving Japan, senpai?" I asked him, looking between the suitcase and him.

"Yeah, I can't keep the restaurant closed forever, you know? Besides...I've got something that I want to do as my next objective," Shinomiya said. Out of curiosity, I wondered what his next aim was, "I'll make SHINO's Paris' most famous restaurant and aim for three stars. The Pluspol Award isn't enough,"

"Three stars...?" Soma muttered to himself in surprise.

"W-wow! No Japanese chef has ever gotten a three-star rating in France before!" Megumi said with shock.

Shinomiya's guts were something that I didn't expect to see out of a guy like him. But it felt pretty impressive for him to be that determined to get a 3 Michelin star rating in France. As Megumi and Soma were talking amongst themselves, someone's voice soon started yelling out loud.

"Wait!!!!!" That familiar voice called out. The voice was of the former 2nd seat, Hinako. "I won't let you steal away a march on us, Shinomiya senpai!" Hinako said with a sinister look.

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