Chapter seven

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After Mason sent off her two letters, she went to the great hall with Adrian and Jack for breakfast. Jack had his arm draped around her as the three were walking, and Mason didn't care enough to move it.

"I'm starvinggggg! You took years mailing your bloody letters!" Adrian complained, holding his growling stomach. Mason eyed him, thinking he looked way too hot even when whining.

"You know you could've gone down... you didn't have to wait for me." Mason cheekily replied, nudging him with her shoulder. Giving him a wide grin.

"Oh shut up" he mumbled, putting his arm on the other side of her. Making her grin even wider. Adrian tried not to look at her because he knew if he did, he'd start blushing like a maniac. So, he kept his eyes ahead of him. Until he could calm his nerves, at least.

"Glasses!" Mason shouted across the hallway. Breaking out from the boy's arms, moving towards the raven haired boy. "Remember me?" She grinned when she caught up to him. Harry nodded vigorously, fiddling nervously with the edge of his tie.

"And who's this?" She asked, realizing the red haired boy standing beside him.

"Ron Weasley." The red head smiled, interrupting what Harry was going to say. Just then, Jack and Adrian joined.

"Potter, Weasley. We're going to crush you in next week's quidditch game." Jack smirked, using Mason's head as an arm rest.

"Yeah cause that's likely." Ron laughed out.

"Come to think of it, when was the last time Slytherins won against Gryffindor?" Harry cockily added. Jack and Adrian mumbled incoherent sentences.

"Get your arm off! It makes me look short!" Mason exclaimed, interrupting their gibberish. She ducked out from under his arm.

"Cause you are short." Jack replied with a toothy grin.

"Really short." Adrian added with a smile just as cheeky.

"Do I look short to you!?" She asked with annoyance, turning towards Ron and Harry. Not even waiting for a response before turning back to Jackass and Adrian. "I'm literally 5'10!!!" She lied, saying her dream height.

"Liar." Jack cooed, crossing his arms.

"You wish you were!" Adrian added, using his hand to level Mason's height compared to his.

"Whatever. Two inches off, big difference!" She exclaimed, slapping Adrian's hand.

"Three inches off. And she says I'm dumb." Jack said dramatically to the other boys.

"You know what? Fuck this! I'm going to eat now. Bye Jackass and Adriass." She said giving them both the finger.

"Oh, and bye mini Weasley and glasses!" She added in a much sweeter tone. Making the two fourth years blush. While the two fifth years were mumbling, annoyed with their nicknames.

As soon as Mason entered the great hall, just wanting her breakfast. All the eyes snapped to her immediately, like magnets. Most, if not all were drooling over her 'take' on the Hogwarts uniform. Mason didn't blame them, she did look good. She walked with so much power, it made people admire her even more. She made her way over to a certain hufflepuff.

"Hey." She said tapping the brown haired boy's shoulder. He turned around, but she had already squeezed down beside him at the table. All his friends didn't care that a Slytherin was sitting with them. They were all just admiring her, not so subtly.

"Do I look short to you!?" She asked crossing her arms, still truly wondering. Mason thought she was tall. Mind, she's always wanted to have the model's glorious 5'10+ height. She thought tall girls were ethereal. "5'7 is literally average!" She exclaimed.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Cedric winked.

"It is! Somebody educate this mother fucker!" She said exasperated.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, gorgeous." He smiled back innocently.

"You did not just-" she was saying until she got picked up unsuspectedly, by her favourite twins.

"Sorry Diggory!"

"We need to borrow Mason!" They said, finishing one another's sentences like usual. They brought her over to the gryffindor table. Squishing her right in between them.

"Was that really necessary?" She laughed. "Oh shit. Bitch look! It's Malfoy. Quick, do something mean!!!" Mason said abruptly. As Malfoy was walking past their table, Mason gave him the finger and tried throwing napkins at him. The twins did the same. Malfoy looked so confused. Jackass and Adriass walked past shortly after Malfoy had. Mason stuck out her tongue at them, crossing her arms. The twins just flipped them off.

The fifth year's faces were priceless, if only she had a camera. Oh wait, she did. She's definitely sending this pic to Elle.

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