On the Hunt - Avery x Reader

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Taking in the fresh spring air, you walk alongside Avery, whom Mustard paired you up with for his latest dojo challenge. You weren't surprised since the whole challenge was about working with rivals, but it doesn't mean the situation was comfortable.

After a long and quiet time of trying to find nectar for the pastries you're supposed to make, you finally break the silence. "I really hope you're good at baking."
"Why do you say that?" Avery replied, looking you dead in the eye. If he was any more powerful, you swear he'd explode you with his mind. Even with friendly chatter his spite wouldn't let up. You can't blame him though, you practically showed up out of nowhere and beat him down and off of his pedestal.
"Me and baking have a history with eachother. I might've exploded a cake in the oven once..." You chuckle lightly, flashing back to your mom flaming you for getting cake mix all over the oven. "I'd take that as a threat given any other explanation, however I'm more baffled that you managed to do that... Just don't get in my way." He adjusts his wire-frame glasses, continuing to walk in front of you.

"...Isn't that an Applin up there?" You pull Avery behind a tree with you and crouch, subtly pointing to a tree not far ahead of the two of you. "Agh! A warning would be appreciated next time." The blonde psychic glares at you, brushing off the non-existent dirt on his uniform. "I don't see it." He follows up. You sigh and gently put your hands on the sides of his head. "(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" Avery whispers angrily at you, but you brush it off. He's always been so dramatic.
"Shhh! You're going to scare it away. See, it's right there." You move his head to where the Applin is, and you can feel him relax a little bit, understanding why you did that. "N-Now I see -and for future reference, do not touch me like that. I don't need your grubby hands dirtying my uniform." He hides a blush dusted on his cheeks, which you don't notice. You sigh, shaking your head as you stand up carefully. "Right, sorry. Stay here, I'll be right back-" You go to sneak over to the tree, but Avery pulls you back next to him. "Hah! No need."
For a moment you had no idea what he was planning, seeing as he has a habit of taking credit when it's not his place to do so, but his intentions are pure this time. He focuses his gaze on the Applin, locking his eyeson it. A second or two later, the Pokemon begins to levitate, glowing a light washed-out blue colour. "You're a genius, Ave!" You shake him by his shoulders, forgetting about how much he hates being touched. The glow flickers and fades away right as Applin floats over Avery. It falls straight down and bonks him right in the head.
Nectar dripping from the brim of his top hat, you quickly whip out a vile, collecting it as it drips down. "Gah! (Y/n), I told you not to even lay a hand on me! This is such a Psystrike to my pride... Sitting here while the Champion collects nectar from the brim of my hat. Do you enjoy this?" Avery rants, watching you collect the nectar. "Sorry, sorry... I'm a little clingy if you couldn't tell. I gotta ask though, what do you think I enjoy out of this?" You raise a brow. "Humiliating me. From the moment you showed up at the dojo, you've one-shotted all of my Pokémon, advanced past me in all of the challenges, and even received the Secret Armor from Master Mustard. I feel pathetic up against you."

"W-What? I never meant to do anything like that! Ghost types are my specialty, just as how Psychic types are yours. I used type match-ups to my advantage. The challenges, I just did them with my Pokémon, they're always such big helps to me. I don't honestly know what I'd do without them. You should never feel pathetic up against everyone. With all of your hardships, you've still kept your head up and never let it sink down. If anything, you should feel proud of yourself." Once you finish collecting the nectar, you secure the vial and stand up, extending a hand to Avery. Before he makes a move, he looks up at you, processing what you've said. He reluctantly begins to reach for your hand but ends up retracting it, standing up on his own. "I... Appreciate the kind words. After everything I've done, you're still nice to me and don't have any malice against me. I-I acknowledge that you're a great rival, (Y/n)." The blonde looks away, not willing to see your reaction that he assumes the worst of. "Thank you, Avery. You are too. I'm glad it was you that gets to help me and my team grow."

He nods, still not wanting to face you, but now it's because of his Tamato berry-coloured face. "W-We should start heading back." Avery points out, breaking the awkward silence between the two of you. "Right. Let's go then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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