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Chapter Text
"This is your ship?" Sara looked up at
"The razor crest is a decent ship. Got me out of plenty of heated situations." He spoke as he walked to the mechanic. He paid her and retrieved the bag with the child inside. Sara glanced down at the tiny green baby.
"That is the child?" She was not impressed. He was cute, but so small.
"Yes. Come on." He turned to walk onto his ship. Sara followed behind him placing her long blonde hair into a mess bun. She still wore the tan rags of the raiders. Sara turned to get a glimpse of the vast sand dunes before the door shut.

Space was cold and silent, much like the Mando. Sara sat below wrapped in a few blankets. She was used to the two suns and desert sand. The child waddled towards her with his ears down.
"What?" She sounded harsh and felt a little bad. It was just a baby after all.
"Im ok...just cold." She eased up on her tone. This thing looked nothing like her. How could they be of the same species. The mando spoke of him using powers like her. The baby cooed and ducked under her blanket. Sara watched it with out moving. Din walked down the ladder from the cockpit and stood there watching them.
"Are you cold?" He asked.
"Im fine." She avoided looking at him.
"I have a lead on other mandalorians on a planet in-the next sector. They might have information on what you two are."
"I was a raider." She mumbled but Mando heard what she said. He did feel bad at what took place, but what was do was done. He couldn't take it back.
"Get some rest. I have to make a stop half way. We can fill up on fuel and provisions.

Planet was lush and green. Sara exited the ship and looked around in awe at the amount of foliage. Mando paid for his ship to be refueled and tended to as the child followed after sara. For some reason he was liked her. Sara walked down a small path and stopped. She bent down and touched the leaves of a large plant. They glowed under her touch. She smiled in wonder as she studied it. The child clung to her leg and watched the plant pulse in colors.

Sara noticed others pulsing and she stepped from the path to follow them. Suddenly she was hit over the head and drug into the foliage. The child's ears went down and he called out. Mano's attention was shifted from the mechanic towards the child. He ran towards him as the child pointed into the wooded area. Mando noticed Sara's cloak on the ground and drag marks leading to the trees. Din scooped up the child and ran to follow the tracks.

Sara woke up in a large room filled with beautiful tapestries and lights handing from the ceilings and walls. Sara lifted herself off the pillowed laden floor and rubbed the back of her head. She noticed her hands were clean and smelled of flowers. Sara looked down and her desert attire was replaced with a lace white dress. Sara blinked as she examined the dress and her clean hair that was breaded and up in a neat bun.
"What is going on?" She mumbled to herself. The two large doors opened and 2 female humanoid creatures walked in.
"She is a fine female...she will delight his Highness." Sara watched and listened as the two females spoke.
"Who? What?" Sara blinked trying to figure everything out.
"You are to marry the ruler of this planet. He has many wives to insure his line is carried on." Sara glared at the women.
"I am no one's bride!" She raised her hands and made raider noises. She went to punch one of the women but was restrained by a guard. The huge guard lifted her from the ground and had a hard time to restrain her.

Din exited the jungle and notice a large city circling a large castle like structure in the middle. Mando continues to follow the tracks until they mingles with the other foot traffic. Din began asking the locals if they had seen Sara. Some didn't and avoided eye contact. Finally an older villager spoke up.
"The ruler of this land, his guards took her. He sent them out to gather all the fair maidens of the surrounding area." Mando listened as the child hid in his satchel.
"Why is he taking maidens?" Din asked
"For his herim of wives. To insure the blood line and rule of his family."
"The woman he took, she is a friend. Can you tell me where they took her?" The old man nodded.
"I will take you...all I ask is you free the others enslaved." The old man spoke as he turned to walk towards the center of the grand city.

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