☆ eight ☆

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both of the boys slept past their alarm, but bad quickly woke up to banging on his door. he looked back to see skeppy sound asleep, peacefully cuddling his blanket. darryl's hair was completely messy and he was lacking a shirt, but the knocks sounded urgent.

he opened it to see his friends outside his door in a panic, "bad! i don't know how to tell you this but... i think zak ran away or something. he's not replying to our texts and he's not in his room!" quackity says in a hurry.

"i... he's okay."

"h-how would you know?" tommy says in confusion.

bad gestures over to a peaceful skeppy fast asleep in darryls bed. tommy takes another look at darryl and is not completely weirded out by his lack of shirt.

"should i even ask?" clay mutters.

"no... no! it's not like that, no... language."

"i didn't even say anything!" clay says.

"i know what you're thinking you pervert," bad says, rolling his eyes, "he was scared during the earthquake... but don't tell him i said anything."

"oh. i didn't know you guys made up, that's really good to hear."

"we didn't."

clay gives darryl a confused look but then steps back.

"we're going to grab breakfast in the lobby then go out, take your time getting ready, it doesn't close for another hour or two," clay says, beginning to head off.

"okay, thanks. again... please don't mention this to him," bad pleads.

"will do."

bad smiles as he watches all of his friends walk away. he closes his door and throws a shirt on to wake up skeppy. he makes his way over and quickly admires how beautiful he looked in his sleep.

well, to bad, of course. he was sprawled out over the huge bed, drooling, and latching onto a blanket he brought from home. bad found attractive in a weird way. he shook off any weird thoughts of his and began gently shaking skeppy.

"wake up..."

slowly, zak opened his eyes. his lips and eyes were puffy and he looked tired. he whined as he was forced to get up.

"bad... no..." he groaned, pushing bad away from him, weakly.

"zak, c'mon, let's get some food. you haven't eaten a real meal in awhile. i've seen you've been avoiding eating."

"i'm not hungry," zak mumbles.

"you are hungry, but you seem distracted. let's get ready and get you some food."

"whatever, mom," skeppy groans, slowly getting up and stretching. moments later, he stands up to put some shoes on. in the process, he combs his hair with his hands and splashes some water on his face.

"i don't want to eat with you," zak says.

"i didn't want to sleep on the floor for 8 hours but look at me."

zak groans and follows bad outside of the room and to the lobby where there was a breakfast buffet.

as they walk, zak wraps his arms around himself and feels the material of bad's jacket. bad notices, "you can keep it... the jacket," he mentions as they walk.

"i was planning to."

bad scoffs and continues heading to the lobby. they finally make it. both of them start getting their plates ready. bad finishes first and sits down at a table for two as he doesn't see his friends anywhere around.  unexpectedly, skeppy sits across from him shortly after.

"wow, i expected you to sit somewhere else," darryl says, taking a bite of bacon.

"don't give me any ideas," zak mumbles.

both of the boys eat their food in silence together. it was nice. a lot nicer than usual. zak put away his stubborn personality for a second and just enjoyed hanging out with darryl without arguing. as much as zak despised darryl, it felt nice being around him.

"what do you want to do today?" darryl asks.

"nothing with you."

"well unfortunately you took a plane all the way to washington so i'd hope you don't spend all your time alone in the hotel room."

"where did everyone else go? did they just ditch us?"

"they stopped by and i told them you went to go shopping for something nearby, they believed it."

"so where are they now?"

"i'm not sure, i think they went to some arcade a couple miles south. they assumed you didn't want to go and i just told them i was going to grab some breakfast."

"so we're stuck here together?"

"wanna go on an adventure?" bad asks, giving zak a mischievous grin.

zak pauses, "what type of adventure?"

"does that mean you'll at least consider whatever i'm about to say?"

zak sighs, "ugh, maybe. i just want to get out of here. the rooms smell like old spices and cigarettes, it pains me just to walk around here."

"what about we go out later when it's darker? we can go to this cool trail that's supposed to have a hill. the hill leads up to an old shop. it's pretty popular, but it won't be too busy later in the day."

zak takes a moment to think, "fine."

bad smiles.

"but on one condition."


"i don't want to talk to you. and this isn't 'hanging out' don't start thinking we're friends or anything."

"whatever you say," bad shrugs, getting up and the same time as zak and heading back to their rooms.

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