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The world Cronus contained vile humans and creatures no man should ever have to witness. Yet Trent found himself surrounded, and armed with only his staff at hand to beat off his midnight attackers. These hungry beasts bit so ravenously their bottom lips were gashed wide or had been torn off completely. The once humane creatures, known only as the Ghouls, became instinctively driven monsters of the night. Trent defended himself with a spinning staff that seemed to be merely an extension of his hands. Ducks turned into devastating upward chin blows, rotations became twirling attacks to the sides of heads, and defensive maneuvers became massive arm breakers or rib crackers.

The creatures too dumb to realize their numbers had fallen from twenty to five, were excited by the blood splattering the sand, and attacked with even more vigour. Yet Trent adapted and pushed back with more fury than the entire fight had ever seen. His staff struck the withered elbow of a ghoul so harshly the bone exploded from the skin, and splattered onto another’s contorted face. Ligaments snapped like taut cords with enough force to knock the ghoul onto his butt. However, before the Ghoul could even start to feel this force, Trent brought the swing from the elbow snap into a three hundred and sixty degree spinning overhead blow that crushed it's skull and the diseased brain beneath it. Like a sledgehammer to a watermelon, brain matter flew outward, especially from the eyes and ears. After that brief second of complete annihilation occurred Trent had already turned to take on a another Ghoul. The night continued with red soaking into the sand and Trent continuing his mad attempt at survival.  

150,000 miles above Trent’s story of survival on Cronus was the arrogantly named moon Terraluna. Terraluna contained approximately 450 million occupants. Here there was enough oxygen and nitrogen to sustain human life, yet the asteroid pulverized surface gave way to razor sharp glass dust that would destroy an unprotected lung. The 450 million inhabitants lived within compounds connected to other clone compounds, which sat on top of clone compounds. The filters provided air and the metal chassis provided immediate protection from the sun 's radiation and other physical threats. The barren surface of the moon was covered in an this metal monstrosity that lied on surface like a fungus with deep roots. Yet as one ventured inside one could find hallways illuminated with white light, and lined with windows that displayed scenes from various far greater lands. The light covered hallways lead way to large rooms where families lived in loosely compartmentalized areas. The people of this moon worked endlessly to help aid the government in keeping the station alive. This lunar patriotism powered the station, and the government steered. Yet under this thin haze lied a government that held many secrets, and a people so poisoned that they begged for more. As Trent looked up into the sky and remembered the place where he was born and raised he felt emotion rise up in him. In this emotion he tasted something far worse than the brain matter of the ghouls he had slain. He spit onto the sand and continued his noble trek forward.

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