Info and (Y/n) bio

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So first of all well welcome to you guys for looking at this book, I got to tell you, this is my first story, so I'm probably gonna make some mistakes. That's why I'm asking you if you don't mind telling me when you see that I made a mistake, or that I forgot a word.

Also please if you have any suggestions, comments, or also criticisms (negative as positive) please tell them to me so that I can improve. That's all I wanted to say well have a good day or good night :)


"Hey" talking
"What did he say ? " whisper
(Grrr mate is hurt) inner wolf, tiger, fox, dragon, vampire talking
(Hmmm I wonder what we are gonna eat today) thinking
* pour a bucket of water on my mate to wake her up * action

Well now let's go introduce our reader bio :

(This is you but with bandaides or you can pick yourself or another girl if you want :) )

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(This is you but with bandaides or you can pick yourself or another girl if you want :) )

(This is you but with bandaides or you can pick yourself or another girl if you want :) )

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(This is how the bandaides will look on you)

So :
Name : (y/n) (l/n)
Age : 18
Height: 1m80
Description : (y/n) is a beautiful lady, she has (H/C) and (E/C), she is doing a bit of sport but only to maintain her health. she was a jovial and adorable little girl before the "accident" but only sadness, fear and pain can be seen in her eyes anymore. she is used by everyone as a punching bag.

Like: peace, sport, cookies, and defending the ones she loves.

Dislike: when someone talks bad about her family, school, life, rape, bullying, supernatural creatures(at first).

Well here's the reader bio, hope you like it, and see you next time :)

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