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Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.

There are many terms used to classify the idea of a dental phobia. It can be known as dental fear, dental anxiety, dentist phobia, odontophobia, or dentophobia. They all mean the same thing: an intense fear of visiting the dentist for dental care. The fear can also arise from a bad interaction with a dentist and the way in which the dentist’s attitude was perceived. An individual received care from a dentist that was uncaring or cold in manner, the experience can be result in an increased fear.

Negative personal experiences aren’t the only ways in which a dentophobia could arise. In some cases, the fear can be brought about by indirect experiences. One way in which someone could obtain a fear of the dentist is through hearing about someone else’s bad traumatic experience. People are also greatly impacted by what they see and hear in the mass media. Witnessing a negative portrayal of dentistry can also have a negative effect on dentophobia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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