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The Gang made it out alive miraculously.. As soon as they arrived back to Naples, Abbacchio was sent off to the nearest hospital immediately, due to his wounds being too fatal to be healed just with Giorno's ability, Buccellati claimed he can survive for a bit longer. Narancia got several massive scars on his body as well, yet it didn't matter to him. What mattered was that he was still alive and healed in time. Again, it was a pure miracle, that they got Ghirga down from the bars on time.. Luckily none of the fatal organs were damaged.. And now they stood there, in the massive crowd of people

The remaining group of five were now running through the streets of Naples, searching for something for the second day in a row, screaming out the same name over and over again and gaining weird looks from the crowd. Looking for something they have left out, but needed to get back immediately. And as always, Ghirga was the first one to run in fornt of everyone and look for him himself. He had to find him. He had to find him no matter what.

Mindless running through the crowds of people made it harder to concentrate, but thank god Aerosmith had a radar. Even thought it's crowded, the radar showed the stand users as a brighter dot and Ghirga was certain that the one that they were searching for was right here. He could feel it inside him.

It was completely stupid thing to do, now Ghirga was certain. He was tired, hopeless, he had to continue, but then... A bright dot appeared.

A bright dot appeared on the radar, slowly moving forward. Nara looked away from the radar that was close to his face and looked around desperately, finally spotting exactly what he was looking for. The familiar green suit and quite long blonde stands hair. He was moving so slowly and hopelessly.. He didn't even notice Narancia's presence.

— It's.. it's him! BUCCELLATI, IT'S HIM, I SEE HIM!! FUGO!!


Fugo froze in space, feeling a sudden pain in his back, as if he was shot as he was getting lost in the sea of people around him.
— It can't be... — His gaze was still locked to the ground, eyes widened and tearing up, voice shaky.

that voice..

— Narancia... — He turned around and instantly got hit by a hug full of emotions, causing Pannacotta to nearly fall down to the ground, but he still held his balance. The smaller boy was hugging him tightly, wiping his own tears of joy with Fugo's tie as his face was pressed to his chest.

— I'm so glad you're okay..! We were looking everywhere for you! Did you really have to wander off this far, you idiot!? Buccellati and the others are near too, they'll come in a minute! Ahh, it's so good to see you!

— You're... you're alive...

Fugo couldn't move still, he froze in place, yet letting Ghirga hug him. He wasn't hugging back like Narancia did, he just stood there as his tears mindlessly ran down his pale cheeks.

— Of course I am alive! Come on, don't be such a pussy! — Narancia nudged him in the arm with a silly grin — Fugo, I am right here.

Pannacotta stared back at the boy, who's raven hair were messy as always. He just couldn't believe it.. He couldn't believe that Narancia Ghirga himself is right here in front of him, hugging his shaky body as if nothing had happened at all.

He hugged back.
Fugo hugged Narancia back, his grasp tight, but legs still shaky. Fugo's face was burried in Narancia's shoulder, unable to stop the wave of tears.

— I'm sorry, Narancia, I'm so sorry..! I am a traitor! I.. I should have gone with you, I-I shouldn't have just stood there, I... You probably hate me now..

He wouldn't stop crying, holding Narancia in his arms as if he wasn't going to see him ever again. Fearing that he would loose the boy forever.. Like he almost did now.
Fugo's shaky body was met with a gentlet action, however, Narancia slowly touching his cheek and wiping away the tears that were falling down like a small waterfall.

— You did what you did, Fugo. I don't blame you. — This smile.. this calm and caring smile on Narancia's face, it was the only thing Fugo needed right now. — I don't hate you, idiot. I never did and I never will.

The blonde hugged him again, refusing to let Ghirga go, pressing their bodies together.

— I love you.. I love you so much Narancia, I'm so sorry.. I'm so happy to see you again... - He whispered - I will never leave you again..

Narancia smiled and closed his eyes, letting Pannacotta cry for now. Hearing such quiet, yet meaningful words from him made Ghirga truly happy. That means he survived for a reason..

Soon enough, the rest of the team followed, pushing through the crowd, that was looking at the scene weirdly. Buccellati greeted the two with a calm smile and a nod

— B... Buccellati..! — Fugo suddenly let Narancia go, now looking at the capo with his teary red eyes.
— I'm glad to see you again, Fugo. Is everything okay?
— I-I should be the one asking that! I betrayed you.. I am l deeply sorry for what I did, Buccellati.. — Fugo looked down in disgust for himself. — I never should have left.
— No, Fugo. Come on, we need a different place to talk.

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