2 Meet the Team

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I wasn't hiding. Not really. I was just working, alone in my office, like I liked it. Brad was just outside the door, taking my calls and arranging my calendar, and I was locked inside my office, watching the online calendar grow more and more full. I leaned back in my chair and sighed. So the locker room could have gone better. I could have conducted myself more professionally. But what was with this quarterback and making me blush?

I wasn't usually the blushing sort of girl but that was twice today that he had caught me off guard, dealt a fatal blow to my professionalism, and I wasn't even sure how to hit back. Or if I even should. Was this some sort of hazing ritual? Was this how Liam Oliver liked to welcome his new representation? Somehow, I doubted that my predecessor, Phil Roberts, had gotten the same show that I had in the locker room earlier.

It was difficult to concentrate but I told myself that was more due to the screeching of whistles just outside my window than the way my mind kept drifting back to that ridiculous body which had been on display earlier. There was a sudden knock on my door and I jumped in my seat like a kid caught daydreaming in class, slamming my knee onto the underside of my desk. I hissed in pain, rubbing small circles over the joint, as I waved my visitor in. It was Emily. She merely cracked the door and leaned in.

"Hey, I'm about to head down to the field to watch the practice. You wanna come?" she asked casually.

"Uh, no. Thank you. Just... a lot of work to do here still," I lied. She nodded in understanding and waved a goodbye before slipping back out of the office and heading for the field. I sighed and threw my head back. What was I doing? Was I actually avoiding this creep?

I shrugged it off, deciding to actually follow through with my lie to Emily and get some real work done. I opened up my emails, scrolling through the dozens of introductory paragraphs from various news outlets wanting a shot at one of my charges. I read through each of them, responding to the ones important enough to earn it, and marking the others as read. I scrolled until my eyes crossed and I couldn't focus on any more reporter qualifications. That's when my door opened again and, this time, it was Bill who popped his head inside.

"When you get the chance, you might want to head down to the field. Take your team with you. The Coach is ready to introduce you when you are. You'll want your team to meet their men," he said and I nodded, thanking him, as he closed the door and left our space, heading back for his own. I sighed. No time like the present.

I stood, smoothing out my tapered slacks and buttoning my blazer. I headed out onto the floor to address my team. Brad, having heard what Bill said, gathered that we were leaving and pulled his notebook from his drawer and stood to join me.

"Alright team, it's time to introduce ourselves to the players. Meet me on the field in five," I called out and they all nodded, smiling, as they started getting themselves together for their introductions. I strode past them, Brad following closely at my heel, and headed out of our little office toward the locker room and through the tunnel across from it. We emerged onto the sidelines just as the ball was snapped and a new play began. I scanned the crowd, looking for the head coach, but he found me first. He was already walking my way, clipboard in hand.

"Miss Rollins," he called out with a smile as he approached. I held out a hand and he took it for a firm shake.

"Mr. Arnold," I answered with a smile of my own. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm honored to be working with you."

"And I with you. You seem to be a smart woman, talking a man down $20 million on your first day," he was grinning at the shared joke but Brad didn't get it. He looked from the Coach to me, confusion plain on his face. I ignored him and chuckled.

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