I like my music loud

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Kates P.O.V.

"What to wear... what to wear? I could wear the blue top with my black skirt, or maybe the black tank with the white skinny jeans I borrowed from Riley?" I though out loud to myself.

After another 10 minutes of ripping shirt after shirt out of my closet and onto my bedroom floor I finally gave up. Turning around, I tried to make myself look as pathetic as possible in hopes I would get what I wanted.

"Heyyyy Karriieeee, will you pleeeaasseee help me pick out my outfit!" Karrie looked up from her perfectly black polished nails at my pouty lip and rolled her eyes.

"First of all, yes, yes I will. But only cause I'm amazing and you know it." She stood up and began rummaging through my closet as she continued her rant. "Secondly, you sooo did not borrow those white jeans. You stole them from Riles like 2 months ago and she's been trying to track them down ever since." She pulled out a black bro tank that had I LIKE MY MUSIC LOUD printed across it in red and through it at me with a pair of black skinny jeans. "And that's exactly why you shouldn't wear them. Now put that on, Im gonna go steal your food."

She walked out, even after she had already gotten to the kitchen I could still hear the tell tale sound of her heels on the wooden floor as I buttoned up the jeans and evaluated myself in the mirror. Damb she's good at this. I suppose I should have known that already. She does have pretty good style, especially with her signature red skinny jeans.

I bounce out of the room while slipping on my kitty heels.

"Hey! Don't eat all my cheetos!!" I say applying the last of my bright red lipstick.

"What do you expect?! I'm a starving college student! It's not my fault! Now open up," she throws a cheeto into my mouth and it lands perfectly. We high five and I go to grab my clutch while she answers the knock on the door.

"WASSUP BITCHESS" Bree yells at the top of her lungs as her and Riles make there way into the living room where I search for my keys.

"Damn girl I have neighbors you know, if I get the landlord called on us I'm blaming you! And Riles will totally back me up" I say jokingly while throwing my keys at her.

"Ya, ya, cause those old hags can even get up the energy to make a phone call. Let me get my purse from my room and let's get out of here." Riley snarks.

When I finally have all my stuff together I walk into the kitchen to see Karrie and Bree back at the bag of cheetos and decide to just ignore it this time, I can just make them buy me another. Riley walks pit and we all make our way downstairs and into my charger.

Bree drives since I gave her the keys, with Riley up front and Karrie and I in the back.

"Yo, whose playing tonight?" Karrie leans forward and asks Riles about the band at the bar Greenfields.

"In pretty sure it's just some local band. Fall Out Dude or something, I don't remember. But I heard they're awesome so it should be rad!" She exclaims.

"Hey! No fair! Rad Is my word!" I yell at Riley leaning forward too. She laughs and shrugs me off as we get out of the car.

We get to the front door and our favorite bouncer's working tonight. "Hey Bryar, how's it going? Long time no see!" Karrie says calling him by his last name as she does with most people.

"Pretty good! I'm getting a degree in law so that's pretty fun." he says sarcastically, "how are you ladies doing?" he says while opening the door for us.

"Pretty awesome, collegbe sucks, but what can you do!" Bree says with spite while talking about college. She hates it.

"Alright, have a nice night Bob!" I say as we enter.

"You too girls!" He closes the door behind us.

The first thing that catches my eye when we walk up and lean on the bar to relay our drinks to the short guy with the lip ring and tattoos, is the cute guy on the other end of the bar.

But seriously, what is with those jeans? American flag? At least they make his ass look good. I snap out of my thoughts when the short bartender, Frank, his name tag says, asks for my order. I stick with a soda and go back to admiring American jeans over there, except... he's not over there any more.

I feel someone step next to me and a warm breath close to my ear. I expect to see one those creepy guys that usually hits on us, but when I turn I find.. him.

"Alex, my names Alex Gaskarth" he says as if he read my mind.

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