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"Well hello alex," I say with a flirtatious smirk on my cherry red lips.

"I saw you looking at my while i was over there. Thought i should come say hi. What are you drinking? I'll buy one for you?" he asks leaning into my ear so I can hear him over the speakers.

The live band is still setting up so right now there's only an overplayed pop song to fill any silences that may occur.

"Sorry darling, you'll have to work your way up to that." I say patting his arm. I hear Karrie giggle behind me. I assume it's cause of my shameless flirtation.

I'm obviously playing hard to get. I know it, the girls know it, he knows it. But what does it matter? I'm not gonna be spending any time with him anyways. When we go out to the clubs it's just me and my girls.

I turn away from him and back to them, continuing the hard to get act, and am greeted with the realization that it wasn't me Karrie was laughing at. It was some buff dude with a buzz cut. Good for her.

"Kate!" she yells when she sees I've turned back towards them, "This is Rian! He's friends with Alex! We're gonna go dance for a while!" She gives us all kisses on the cheek before sprinting off to the dance floor with buff gu- wait no, with Rian.

"Awww, look at that! Kar is dancing with that guy, she barely ever has an interest in a guy that fast, how cute!" Riley says while Bree downs her first shot. The first shot of many for all of us.

"Wait. Does she even know his name?" Bree asking after downing her second and sliding one to me.

"Ya, she said it was Rian,  apparently he's a friend of that guy Kate was talking to." Riley says right before Alex walks up again.

"Speak of the devil.." I say eyeing him.

"Hey! At least to get to know me a little better before you rightly accuse me of being a devil!" he's says making us all laugh, and handing me a drink.

"Your friend over there," he points to Karrie and Rian on the dance floor, " told me this is what you usually get, so I thought I'd save you the trouble and got you one." He watches me sip and aprove of the vodka and sprite.

"Thank you very much, but you know, it isn't that much trouble to order a drink." I laugh and take another sip.

"Ya well with that bartender it can be. Frank, he's a good friend of mine. A short asshole,  but a good friend none the less."

"You know I never actually got your name, perhaps you could bestow me with that wonderous gem." He says with a sudden mideval accent and a bow.

"Well my good sir," I continue to mock his accent, " my name is Kate. Pleased to meet you." I curtsey and we share a heavy laugh. I realize that this guy's kind of growing on me, and I might need some liquid courage to continue this conversation. So I drink the shot that Bree slid me earlier.

"Do you wanna dance?" he asks setting his drink down.

"I probably shouldn't leave my friends alone," I reply trying to get out of it. I'm a horrible dancer.

"Oh don't worry about that, I have some people they might like to meet. The live band has finally started and the alcohol is starting to make its way in my system, giving me an addrenalin rush. He quickly scurried off but is back within minutes. And this time he has two men in tow. One buff guy with sleek black  hair, and another mire gangly boy with a skunk colored quiff. 

He passes me and brings them toward Riley and Bree. "Girls, these are Zack and Jack.... Have fun" he pats there backs and comes back to me.

"So that dance?" he asks with his hand buried in his pockets, and a hopeful grin.

I take a few seconds before responding with, "Eh, why the hell not, it should be fun!"  And bouncing off to the dance floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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