Right or Left?! (Part3)

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"Should I go right or left?!",you ask yourself looking in both directions of the hallway. You sigh and go (what ever side you pick). When walking you spot a door to your right. The door suddenly swings open and your eyes come upon two men. You stare at them for a bit . "Uh... Hi?",you say starting to walk away from them. "Wait hold on!",one of them exclaimed, running to you. You ignore him and continue to walk. He then walks at your speed and starts to talk to you.

"Hey your the one I saw on the side of our ship!",he exclaimed with a smile. "Oh? So your the one who called me out, then I blacked out?",you ask turning your head to him. "Yep!",he exclaimed with somewhat a smile. The other male also has been following you on the left side of you. "So who knocked me out?",you ask still walking. "Oh captain actually got behind you and knocked you out", he said scratching the back of his neck. The one you were talking to is on the right and the other one that had been quite is on the left. "So what are your names?",you ask walking faster. "Oh mine is shachi and that's penguin!",he says happily watching you walk faster which causes him to walk faster.

The dude on your left your guessing Penguin was also walking faster. You got confused and stop in your tracks looking at both of them. They stop in front of you and look at you. You sigh once more before an idea popped up in your head

Maybe I'd I act like I'm interested in them maybe they can show me where Doc Q's body is..

"By any chance..",you say pauses and popping out your chest a little. They both stare at you chest before staring back up at your face. "Do you know where Doc Q's body is?",you ask in a flirty tone. You could tell they were both blushing because there faces were turning a bit red.

You give them a fake smile and walk closer to them. They both blush even more staring into your emotionless orbs. "So?",you ask smiling more. "Oh uh yeah! We actually had thrown him off deck",penguin said staring at your chest. Your eyes widen a bit with shock and regret.

Damn it.. I guess I'll have to find another bounty to kill..

"Oh uh thank you boys..",you say looking ahead of them. Your eyes fell upon a polar bear? You stare at it for awhile until Penguin and Shachi both turn. "Oh that's bepo!",Shachi exclaims. "Be..po..?",you ask still staring at him. "Yeah he's pretty much captain's pet",Shachi said while turning to look at the bear.

Cute.. Wait did I just call it cute?!

You walk to it and stare at it. "Can I pet you?",you ask in a hopeful tone. "S-sure", the bear said in a scared tone. You smile a bit and pet him.

He leans into your touch and hums in satisfaction. You chuckle and scratch behind his ears. You soon realize that Penguin and Shachi were watching you from behind in amazement.

W-Wait are these feelings showing.. Shit.. I-I need to stop..

But I'm enjoying this feeling...

You continue to rub him until you heard footsteps down the hall. You turn to see Law standing there looking straight at you. "I see you have made some friends?",he asked walking to all of you. "I like her Captain!",Shachi exclaims. "Yeah.. I kind of like her too..",Penguin said scratching his cheek a bit. "Does she really interest you guys that much?",law asks still walking to you. "I'm sorry but I like her too captain",Bepo said, leaning on you a bit.

He stayed quiet for a bit while coming to a stop in front of you all. He stares straight into your eyes before making his decision. "She can stay but you guys are responsible of taking care of her",law informed holding his sword behind his back.

"I'm sorry but I can't-",you get cut off by Shachi and Penguin. "YES! WE HAVE A WOMEN AS OUR CREWMATE!",they both exclaim in unison. You stand there not knowing what to say.

I guess they made MY decision..

You sigh and pet Bepo once more. You smile at him slightly but it quickly disappears when you feel laws presence right in front of you. You look up at him into his cold grey eyes, you could tell they didn't have strong emotions either. "So I'm guessing I should call you captain from now on",you say looking back at Bepo and continue to pet him. "I guess you could say that..",he said walking past the two of you and walks into a room.

You then feel a a pair of hands grab your wrist. You turn to see Shachi and Penguin both grab your wrists and pull you away from Bepo. "I'm sorry Bepo I can continue to pet you later!",you exclaim before being pulled out onto deck. "Everyone!! We have a new crewmate!",Shachi exclaims. Everyone stares at you and begins to party straight away.

Wow.. People are really festive here..

You then all of a sudden were pulled to a table with a plate of food. "Eat up! Eating is part of the celebration!",Shachi said giving you a smile. You nod and begin to eat. "WOO HOO! NEW CREWMATE!",they all exclaim which makes you smile slightly.


After that big party everyone had fallen asleep so you decided to try to find your room once again. When walking down the hallway you heard footsteps from behind which causes you to look. You stop walking and stare his direction with your cold emotionless eyes. "Why did you throw his body overboard?",you ask in your cold tone. "Oh.. I thought he was your friend. He was dead so I threw him out",Law plainly said staring back at you with his grey eyes.

You sigh and begin to walk back to your room. "Where are you going?",he asks walking to you. "I'm going back to my room, why?",you ask looking at each door trying to figure out if it's yours. "Well if your going to your room it's on the other side of the ship",he said with a slight chuckle. You stand there thinking how the hell you got here but then brush it off and walk the direction to the other side of the building.

"Here, why don't I just show you where you room is",he said now walking beside you. You sigh and nod in agreement. He then walks in front of you and to which you follow him.

You guys had finally made it to your room and he opens the door for you. You walk in but soon realize that he also walked in and closes the door behind him. "W-what are you doing?",you ask quite confused. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you but this is actually my room, no one else was going to give you a room except for the two perverts on the ship",he said turning to look at you. "Wait.. Penguin and Shachi?",you ask now realizing how touchy they were.

"Yep they saw you on the side of the ship but I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate waking up with perverts",he said while taking off his hat and placing it on the desk. You stay quiet not knowing what to say, barely knowing this guy and he is worrying about your being?

"I appreciate you taking care of me but I can't be on this ship any longer..",you say looking for your weapons. "...Looking for these?", he asks while you turn to see your belt of weapons. "Y-yes..",you say walking over to it to grab but miss when he moves it away quickly. "What are you doing?",you ask confused on why he won't give it to you. "When did I ever say you could leave this ship?",he asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

You stay quiet staring at your belt he's holding in the air. You sigh and begin to walk away from him to the bed. You lay down not caring if it's his bed and fall asleep.

Law's POV

This girl really is something else..

As I watch her walk away from me I get quite puzzled on what she was about to do but was not long after disappointed when she lays down in my bed. I sigh and put her weapons in a drawer, I change not caring if she sees and I lay next to her.

I thought she would still be awake but soon I heard little snores coming from her. A smile soon grows on my face and I also fall asleep.

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