Surprising Lauren

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You were on the phone, talking to your girlfriend like you always do before a show. You've been gone on a mission trip in Syria for the past 3 months, and have just returned home. You weren't due home for another month yet though.

"I really miss you Y/N." Lauren said, and she sounded as if she was about to cry.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry Lolo. I'll be home in a month, okay?"

You heard sniffles through the phone and you knew she was crying. "Please don't cry Lauren. I'll be home before you know it." You heard a few more sniffles before she spoke up, "Okay. Well, I've got to go. I'll call you later. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too Lauren. Good luck babe." You heard her sigh and then she hung up. Before putting your phone away, you texted your girlfriend's bandmate, Normani.

To Normani; I'm out in the car. Coming in soon. 😁

You almost immediately got a reply.

From Normani; Okay good. She's still kind of crying. :( You're coming up on Who Are You, correct?

To Normani; gotta lighten up the mood somehow.😜

You slid your phone into your pocket and got out of the car, with a couple friends following. You walked into the venue, and smiled as all of security let you through. You made your way to your seats, about 5 or 6 rows back so the chances of Lauren seeing you weren't as great. A few fans shrieked when they saw you, but you told them them to be quiet and told them how Lauren didn't know you were there. You heard a few "aww"'s around you as you turned your heard to watch the 5 girls on stage.

As of right now, they were in between songs, so you were talking to fans and the two friends you had brought with. You guys took selfies, but you asked them to wait until they got home to post them. They agreed as Ally's voice came booming throughout the venue. "Next we are going to sing Who Are You." You looked at your friends who nodded while smiling. "I'll be back." You said as the music began to play. You made your way towards backstage and finally made it back there and to the side of the stage right when Dinah started belting out the lyrics,

It's so strange how the same thing can make you feel so right and bring you so much pain

You walked carefully and slowly behind the girls who stood in a perfectly straight line. The crowd erupted into even louder cheers but you did your best to hush them. You walked up behind Lauren and wrapped your arms around her waist, placing your chin on her shoulder. "I missed you." She quickly jumped and turned around. When she turned around, you noticed the tears in her beautiful green eyes. You did your best to get ride of them without ruining her make up. She was still in shock as she stared at you. You smiled and closed your eyes, leaning towards her, placing your lips on hers for a second. You could hear the crowd cheering, "Y/S/N!" As you pulled away. She smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you into a hug.

"I love you so much Y/N."

"I love you too Laur."


What do you think?

Comment ideas guys!

I love you all so much too btw:)

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