Getting Lost

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Jaden drops you off at your first class. You look around the room and see that the classroom is full of people. Guess I'm one of the last people here, you think and take a seat at a desk in the back of the class just as a middle aged man walks in.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Brown and I'll be teaching your english class this semester. Please get out some looseleaf, we'll be taking notes this class," he said and walked to his desk. You get out a notebook and you're getting out a pencil when a girl bursts into the room.

"So sorry I'm late, the bathroom was full and-

"Stop, it's fine, just don't let it happen again please," he interrupted her. " Your name is?"

"Emma," she replies, sitting in an empty seat next to you. She's really pretty, with long red curly hair, a tiny nose, and green eyes. But it's more than just that. She has an energy about her that makes you just want to be around her. Like you know that when people are with her, they're going to have a good time.

Emma notices you looking at her and smiles. "Hi," she says. "What's your name?"

"I'm y/n," you answer and smile back.

"Nice to meet you y/n. I've never seen you around, are you new?" 

You nod.  "It's nice to meet you too."

Emma looks like she's about to say something when Mr. Brown starts talking. She smiles, quickly gets out some paper, and starts jotting down notes. You do the same, wondering if Jaden was talking to Mads right now.

3 and a half hours later

You try hard to remember the way back to your locker, but keep making wrong turns. It was lunch, and you had already spent 10 minutes trying to find your way back to locker number 56. Ugh. You think to yourself as you reach another dead end. Turning around, you sigh and decide to backtrack. Your turning another corner when you bump right into Emma, making her drop the books she's carrying.

"Oh!" she exclaimed in surprise. "You scared me!"

"I'm so sorry!" you apologize, picking up her books and handing them to her. "I've been trying to find my locker for the past 15 minutes and-"

"No need to apologize, it's fine," she says with a smile. "What's your locker number?"

"56," you answer 

"Really? That's close to my locker. Follow me," she says and starts walking down the hall. 

You follow Emma down the hall and try to memorize the path to your locker. The hallways are basically deserted, and you guess that most people are in the cafeteria.

"Thank you so much," you say when you get there. Opening your locker, you grab your lunch.

"No problemo," Emma replies walking down the hall a bit until she reaches locker number 62. "See, my locker's right here," she says. "Can I see your phone for a sec?"

Confused, you hand her your phone. Normally you would ask why, or put up a fight, but she had been so nice to you. It didn't seem like she wanted to snoop anyway.  You watch as Emma adds herself to your contacts. 

"If you ever get lost again, just call me," she says. "Or text me if it's during class." she giggles at something, then continues. " You wanna eat lunch together?" 

"Sure," you answer, thinking about how nice everyone here seems. Well, everyone but that Mads girl. Did she and Jaden talk? Does he forgive her? Why do I even care? 

"Y/n?" Emma says. "You good?"

"Yea I'm fine, sorry," you answer

"Oh, ok. You completely zoned out for a minute there," she says, walking you to the cafeteria. You walk through the cafeteria doors and look around the room. The room is full of rectangular tables and circular tables. In the back right hand corner, there's a cafe and little booth where you could order your lunch. But you hardly notice any of that, because as soon as she notices you, Mads is giving you the death stare. She's at a table sitting with a big group of people, including Jaden.

Before you can obsess over it too much though, a bunch of people are calling Emma over to a table near the middle of the room. She walks towards them, pulling you along.

"Hi guys," she says. "This is y/n."

"Hey," one of the boys sitting at the table says. "I'm Cooper. This is Alex, Zoey, Brooke, Avery and Owen. " They smile at you and you and Emma sit down. "Stacey will probably be here soon."

"Unless she's in the bathroom over analysing every conversation she's ever had with Zach," the boy named Alex said.

"True, she's insane when it comes to Zach," Emma replied.

Alex had thick black hair and brown eyes. Honestly, he kind of reminded you of an anime character. Zoey was tiny and had straight light brown hair and blue eyes. Brook had medium length dirty blonde hair, glasses and brown eyes. Avery had shoulder length auburn hair and green eyes. Owen had blond hair and dark brown eyes, and he looked like summer . Cooper  had dark wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes  that made you think of chocolate. He caught you looking at him and winked at you. Embarrassed, you look down.

You start eating to distract yourself and find yourself looking over at Jaden and Mads's table. They look like they're having fun, but every few minutes Mads looks over at you and brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, 'if looks could kill'. Emma notices Mads looking and leans over to you.

"What's going on with that?" she whispers to you.

You're about to answer when you notice Jaden isn't sitting at the table anymore. 

"Boo!" someone shouts from behind you and puts his hands on your shoulders. Spinning around you let out a little scream.

"Gotcha," Jaden says with a smirk and sits down beside you. "I see you've replaced me with new friends already."

"No I-" you start to explain, but get interrupted.

"Relax, I'm kidding. I just wanted to know how your fist day was going."

"Oh," you say. "Well it's going okay I guess. Although I'd probably still be trying to find my locker right now if it wasn't for Emma." Emma smiled.

"Wanna come sit with me for the rest of lunch?" Jaden asks, then looks at Emma. "If that's alright with you. I don't wanna steal her from you or anything."

"No no it's fine!" she replies quickly. " Go sit with him, we can talk later," she winks at you.

Smiling, you get up and walk to Jaden's table. He introduces you to everyone sitting there, but you forget their names almost immediately. They weren't nearly as welcoming as Emma and her friends.

"Why is she here?" Mads asks. "People like her don't sit with people like us."

"Maybe you should be asking yourself that same question," Jaden replies, quick to defend me. I guess their talk didn't go so well, you think. Ignoring almost everyone at the table except Jaden, you eat. There was one girl who was nice to you. Her name was Cindy, and she had straight, blonde hair and blueish greenish eyes.

The lunch bell rings, and you rush off to the rest of your classes, with thoughts of Jaden close on your mind.

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