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Hey there! So this book is in no way an offshoot of "Dead Man's Hand" other than how I may occasionally reference the story for the purpose of explaining a specific style of writing, or updates/release dates regarding the story.

So here's some for now updates:

- I plan on trying to get out chapters 4-7 before the end of the month but with Turkey Day comin up and juggling schoolwork, I might only be able to churn it out by the second week of December.

- I plan on writing my first part of this book on the seeds of developing a good character by Tuesday evening (EST) which will delay Chapter 4 of "Dead Man's Hand"'s release most likely until Thursday-Friday.

Since I know I'll have visitors on this book who are only interested in writing tips, story updates, and people who are interested in both, I'll have a key so y'all know which chapters to click on:

- 📚ChapterName📚: A chapter directly related to "Dead Man's Hand" (ie. chapter release   dates, hints about the stories, fun stories about how I came up with ideas for the book, etc.). These are both timed and untimed releases that will be mentioned in the chapter before they are published with a release date.

- 📝ChapterName📝: A chapter related to writing tips/character creation or development tips. These are always timed releases that will be always be mentioned in the chapter before they are published with a release date.

- 👩‍💻ChapterName👩‍💻: A chapter where you get to hear updates about my existence and my occasional hardcore writers block. These are random, sporadic, scattered crackhead releases that come at you outta nowhere.

So those are all the current updates I have... Happy Thanksgiving y'all and I'll see you on Tuesday with my first Character Development chapter!

~ average_spn_writer

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