A day in he**

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"In the end as you fade into the night, who will tell the story of your life? In the end as my souls laid to rest, And what's left of my body or am I just a shell ?  "

The music blaring into my ears as the teacher jabbed on about trying to work on poetry and the "joy" of writing. Ha. Whatever. Schools a word for "useless waste of time". Why do I even need to be here? No one likes me here anyways. "My music is too scary" "I'm an athiest " actually, I'm not an athiest... I'm a Christian... Who likes rock... So ?

No one will ever get it. That's why  I hate school. But no one will ever understand. Unless they have social anxiety like I do... But its hard to find people like me.

I'm just to different. And I depress everyone who gets to know me ... It sucks.

My parents are too busy to notice anything except my brother. And worrying about if he gets depressed or not... He's so freaking happy and he's always outside. I stay in my room, lights off,  With my "dark" music, and my Xbox cursing at the


"So, Miss Katie, why is poetry so important?" My teacher Mrs. Zimmerman asked me. She always does that ! I'm never ready for a question...so I duck down lower in my seat and my hands start shaking, my social anxiety starting to affect me lightly now. Great.

"Um... Because.. I-it tell-ls thi-ngs about th-he past? " I say quietly. In fear I'll mess up and everyone will laugh or point at me. Or stare. And it will just be horrible. I swear I hate myself sometimes.....

"Well... I guess in a way that's right... " My teacher says, pleased I even dared to answer considering last time  she had called on me, I nodded my head "No" until she moved on.

"Anyways class! Tomorrow we are taking our field trip ! Who has a permission slip? " My teacher bolted to the front of the class, flailing her hands over her head,

"Well! Aren't you excited ?! Its a field trip !" She whined at the unexcited class.

I shyly raise my hand, as she almost does a back flip. This is the first time I've volutereed to talk except when I first started a few days ago.

" Not to be rude, " I say to the now tired teacher, "but its highschool, nothing is 'exciting ' and honestly I don't really care for field trips, I just go to be out of he** "

The teacher stands up straight and looks at the student next to me, who is laughing like a child.

" Miss. Brown ! Principals office ! Now! That word is not to be said in MY class! "

Mrs. Zimmerman exclaims as I get my backpack hanging off my chair and slam the door walking out.

"Great." I laugh, walking to Mrs. Bea's office.

Mrs. Bea is my principal. She likes Me a lot for some reason. I'm still laughing when I'm near her office so I walk in ,

"Hey Martha, " I say to the principal, Martha is her first name.

"Hey hun, why don't you just take a seat I'll be right with you . " Martha says to me sweetly. How she says to reassure me I won't be in too much trouble.

"okay, so what happened? " Martha says calmly. This is the fifteenth time she's seen me in the three days I've been at school here.

"Eh , I said He** in class. No big deal. "

I say calmly. Martha looks at me for a moment before laughing.

"Okay, no big deal. Just 'Don't do it again ' " she mocked a bit stern.

"Okay, thanks 'Mrs. Bea' " I say jokingly, and we both laugh as she passes me a slip back to class.

"Be good, please !" Martha yells behind me.

"No promises !" I say, walking away with a smile on my face.

Martha rolls her eyes and walks the other way.

I laugh and walk slowly back to class.

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