- part 13 -

686 15 5

No one P.O.V

Izuku did his early morning routine waking up early to go jogging did a little exercise going back to the dorm to take a bath changing to his uniform cuz its monday know

After he finish he went down stairs to the common room to see the other early birds

" good morning midoriya " said momo who was sitting at the table eating

Izuku just smile and wave at her that made momo blush cuz of the angelic smile that izuku gave her

Lida went to izuku with a very  serious face

" midoriya im very sorry i - " lida was cut of by izuku

" its ok lida i understand know why u guys did it but pls dont do it again or even think of following me " said izuku with a little frown in his face

" yes i will also lead our fellow classmates properly as your class president " said lida chopping in the air

" i will count on u then " said izuku and went to the kitchen

He was lazy to cook something so izuku just grab a box of cereal and milk at the fridge then took a bowl

He pour the milk before the cereal

" wait just right their midoriya u do not pour milk first before cereal " said kaminari

" what do u mean bro midobro is doing the everything right pour milk first before cereal its already common bro " said kirishima acting smart

" no no no your the one whos wrong u put cereal first before milk " said kaminari

And their start fighting it the right order in how to make cereal

Izuku just watch them while eating cereal he didnt say anything or did anything to stop them fight cuz he enjoy the scene  

After a few minutes lida join in doing his best to lecture them and also stopping the fight at the same time

They fighting until a certain hotheaded boy came to the scene

" U ST*PID EXTRACT SHUT UP ALREADY ITS JUST A F***KING CEREAL " said the hotheaded boy that is know as bakugou

" um guys we only have 10 minutes before where officially late for class " said izuku finishing eating his cereal

Everyone snap ( except izuku, bakugou, and todoroki )  and basically run their way to their class

Izuku wasnt running he was more like being drag by uraraka who was able to grab him while the others was in chaos

Everyone at the hallway look at the student in confusion but they just ignore it

When they arrive they were panting and sweating a lot

" what the hell, why are u guys here so early " said aizawa

" what do u mean early, midoriya said where almost late " said mina

" yeah about that i cant just forgive u guys without pay back  " said izuku seating down his chair

" nice one " said kaminari and kirishima at the same while panting

The other student understood and just seat down on their seat

" ok do what ever u want i dont care im  just gonna sleep know its early anyways " said aizawa and went to his sleeping bag

Lida and uraraka went to izuku

" deku - kun what u did was so mean i was really panicking u know " said uraraka

" like i said it was pay back anyways i want to sleeo to so if u guys excuse me " said izuku and went to sleep in his desk using his bag as a pillow

' deku- kun never sleep at class but know that i see him sleep he looks cute ' thought uraraka and went back to his seat

( poor lidad he didnt even get a chance to talk )

Lida just went back to his seat looking sad and the others just start talking to each other

After a few minutes everyone stop talking cuz they were hearing a phone ringing

When they look at the source and saw it was izuku's phone

Izuku take out his phone when he saw who was calling he ask aizawa to step out for a few minutes which aizawa agree

Izuku went to the door but before he step out he turn to his classmate

" dont go using jiro to listen in what im gonna talk about with this person i still dont completely trust u guys so if u invade my privacy again i dont think i will ever give u guys a second chance " said izuku making things clear to them

They all just nodded their head will all except todoroki and bakugou

Izuku went out and then he answer his  phone

" hey kat do u need something " ask izuku in the phone

" oh its just the manager said that u will be having a concert with your band so u guys have to prepare a song " said kat

" this is gonna be my first concert with a band im excited ill be going to the studio after class so me and my band will talk about this concert " said izuku

" sure are u using the back door again " ask kat

" yep anyways i need to go know " said izuku

" ok bye " said kat

Izuku hang up and went inside his class he wasnt able to hide his excitement cuz, know the others are  curious  in what he talk about the person in the phone

After a few more minute class start and aizawa was know awake and was lazily teaching his student the class 1 - A

After class they went to the cafeteria and eat

" hey deku-kun what did u talk about that person on the phone your mood suddenly change when u come back to the room " ask uraraka very curious

" it was nothing really " said izuku

That made uraraka even more curious and as well as lida do he didnt show it

And class finish izuku was know walking to the studio after making sure no one followed him

He arrive and went to meet his band member after saying hi and hello they went into business and start talking about the song their going to paly

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