What If I Say Im Not Like The Others

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This is a short chapter, sorry I haven't updated in while, but a quick little brush up on my life that nobody asked for, I have bright red hair now, yeah and now my friend calls me Gerard, which I'm cool with. Ok onto the chapter and please point out any mistakes because im bad about that :)))))

Song: The Pretender- The Foo Fighters

***Flashback 3 months prior, 3rd person POV***

Jaylen watched from the staircase as a face she recognized too well speak to her uncle, Mike. Mrs. Johnson, the head of the San Francisco Child Protection Agency had stopped by for, let's say a little visit.

By this time there wasn't a person in America that hadn't heard of the exciting life of Jaylen Ophilia Armstrong. Everyone knew she was adopted by the extremely well known and notoriously popular Billie Joe Armstrong, lead singer, guitarist and front man for American rock band, Green Day. Everyone knew of her little "accident" just a day after her 15th birthday. And everyone knew of her kidnapping a year prior. She was notorious amongst the nurses at the hospital for her tendency to injure herself.

In other words her life was not pretty.

And it didn't make neither Jay's not Billie's lives any easier. Billie was blamed for what happened to his daughter. He was discriminated because many thought he was not suitable to take care of her. Jay was looked down apon because she couldn't seem to keep herself out of trouble, especially in the past three years she had lived the Armstrong residence. Neither had a reputation of being necessarily good sports towards hate. Jay had fallen into mutiple fits of depression and had extreme social anxiety, mostly due to her trauma from last year, and Billie, let's just say old habits tend to make their way to the surface during times of stress. Habits we thought were long, long,gone.

So it was only a matter of time before the CPA came knocking on their door.

Mike, being the only adult in the house suitable to talk to the official took it upon himself to do so. Tre was with his girlfriend at their apartment, Gerard was with his wife in LA, and Billie, oh he was home, but certainly not any condition to talk to a CPA official.

Jay was worried. In fact that was an understatement. She was absolutely petrified.  She had been for a long  time. Despite what had happened to her, she was happy at her home, with Billie as her father. He protected her. That's what all parents do. He would never hurt her. Not even on his darkest days. He would never sit back and watch her get hurt. He wouldn't. He physically could not do that. They loved each other. Even though in current times he wasn't usually in his right mind, he still made sure Jay knew he loved her.

Extraordinary Girl *Third Installment Of Viva La Gloria*Where stories live. Discover now