The light is bright

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Human emotions are so stupid, if you love someone and they don't love you back your going to feel something in your heart, it crushes your soul. If a pet dies you will be said forever because they will never come back to you.
"Ahem, Kyra, are you dazzling off in the distance again?"
" no, I was just thinking about a math equation." "Oh, period queen you tell em." I hated when she said that, it made me mad when she pretended to be someone she's not. When she says that I have a sudden urge to wrap my hand around her until she can't breathe, but if I do that than I'm just utterly disgusting.
"Gianna, I would wish you could tell me who you have feelings for, I just want to know out of curiosity."
"Oh, I didn't tell you? I like this guy." Of course he's a fucking guy, I hate men so much, he doesn't deserve her. "Anyway it's getting pretty dark out, maybe you should start biking home." "Thank you for having me over, and also I don't feel really comfortable of you calling me queen, I'm not a girl nor a boy." "OFCOURSE, I WILL LOVE YOU FOR THAT!" She loves me?
"Ok well goodbye"
It started getting really cloudy, really white, and really cold. What does she mean by she loves me for that, is she emotionally attached to me? Does she love me because I'm not a boy nor a girl? I looked out into the distance, none of the home were lit up, I felt lonely. I started to feel my blood getting really cold and a shiver down my spine. Everything around me started shifting into nothingness. It wasn't a color I've ever seen before, it wasn't pretty nor ugly. "Hello, it me, Gianna."
No it isn't, she's at home, what the hell is going on here.
"If you don't believe me, than how bout I show myself."
All of a sudden a white beautiful figure came of the wall, I couldn't see their face because their face was bright. I was a tiny little dark bean and they were a beautiful tall figure. They had a duck and boobs, they also had 4 beautiful wings as big as their body coming out of there back
"Nothing to wear, Gianna?" I joked trying to make it seem that I'm not scared at all
"Oh dear, I forgot my clothes, how silly of me." A white towel came down touching the floor covering everything but their shoulders and face. Their hair was a beautiful black color and a texture of a sheep's wool, they also had beautiful curves too.
"You aren't Gianna silly, Gianna is a normal human being who has emotions, they are not a God or whatever you are."
"You're right, I am not a God, I'm just showing you how you view Gianna as a person."
"Where the hell am I anyway." For once, I feel my heart beating faster and my fingers wanting to dance.
"If I tell you where you are that will just ruin the fun."
"Why does your voice sound like vanilla ice Rena with a mixture of a male voice and a female voice?"
"Again, I already told you, this is what Gianna looks like to you. You think of them like a God, why you think of them like a God is a good question. Your not supposed to feel any emotion or give anyone nay special treatment."
"Why, no one said anything. No one."
"You don't feel emotions, do you?"
"I don't, but sure I want to kill them sometimes I still feel this special connection with them."
"Well, how about you try to kill me right now."
"You're joking right, if I kill someone they will be gone forever, what happens if their parents find out that there little girl or little boy has died."
"LAIR, you can feel emotion."
"No, I can't, I really can't." Gianna, if you are somehow hearing this just know that I feel this lump in my heart when I'm with you, when you say your stupid phrases it makes me really mad but I don't want to kill you because I just feel something.
"What are you doing, why is there water on your face?"
"Because, because I love Gianna, sure sue doesn't love me back, but I love her."
"You fucking idiot, you are not supposed to feel and fucking emotion. Your not even human, your supposed to be numb."
"Do you think I give a shit of what you think of me, I know Gianna has to obey me no matter what."
"You mean love, see do you actually love her, or do you only like the idea that she is only with you and no one else."
"I love her, I feel something when I'm with her."
"You mean them."
"Yes. I love them."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Do I actually love her, what does love mean. The feeling in my heart when I'm around her, does that mean love? I guess I will never know
"Where am I, and can I get back to the regular world?"
"No, you can't, your going to die right now." That person talking to me is more than 10 times my size, then can easily squash me and my life would be over.
"I want you to feel some pain."
"How, you said that I don't have any emotion." Suddenly another person emerges from the wall.
"It can't be."
"Kyra, where the fuck am I, are you really real."
Water started pouring down my face even more, all I wanted to do is crawl in a little ball with Gianna and all the bad things will disappear. I like her dark skin, and her hair, their so muck cooler than my features.
"WHAT IS GOING ON." All of the sudden Gianna's eyes start glowing and she has a sharp sword in her hand.
"Gianna, kill kyra."
"GIANNA, I'm sorry this whole entire situation is so stupid, I should have love you." And just like that, I couldn't feel anymore pain than I was in. My mom use to yell at me and hit me all the time when I was younger, my dad left me when I was really young. At least I'm out of my pain.
"NOOOOOO, IM SORRY KYRA, IM SO SORRY." Che had her gentle hands grasping into my body, like I was worth a million dollars. My body got really wet from the blood and the tears falling from her face.
"Hey," I grasp, her grasping even more, and like that, my final word was hey. The light has gotten really bright and now I couldn't feel anything at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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