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*at vinnies house*

y/n: your house looks so spacious, like a skating rink!
vinnie: haha ikr! maybe you could help me buy some mew stuff and help me move in a little yk?
y/n: oh sure , if you dont mind...
vinnie: thats why i asked haha
y/n: oh yeah sorry!
vinnie: haha , your kinda cute when your nervous! *says with a smirk*
y/n: oh , yeah *embarrased*
vinnie: sorry if that made you a little uncomfortable..
y/n: oh it's totally fine , lets go shopping.

*after 4 hours of shopping *

*in the car*
vinnie: thank you so much for doing this with me.
y/n: of course anything for a friend!
vinnie: *chuckles*

*y/n mind* why is he so cute?!?! omg , okay letstalk about what he said earlier doe*

*text with bestie*

bsf/n: what?!
y/n: in the car with the guy!!!
bsf/n: have you FINALLY find out his name???
y/n: yes:) its vinnie lol hes famous in tiktok.
bsf/n: vhackerr?!?! OMG NO WAY!!!
y/n: yk him?
y/n: idk , i dont rlly go on tiktok that much lol
bsf/n : hes a total babe lmao , GO GET YOUR BEBE!
y/n: STOP he next to me !
bsf/n: i will call you to embarrass you right now , dont play with me:)
y/n: ugh fine , i gtg unload stuff out the car.
bsf/n: okay bye!!
y/n: byee!!

*you and vinnie are unloading stuff out the car hntil you found sumn..*

y/n: hey , who are these for?
vinnie: oh for a girl haha!
y/n: oh a girl...
vinnie: yeah shes special.
y/n: i bet...
vinnie: you okay? you look bummed
y/n: oh yeah im okay, after this i gotta go eat dinner..
vinnie: okay thats fine , thanks for alot for helping me! haha
y/n: no problem

*at home*

*you slammed the door as your walking in*

y/n mom: aye ! no slamming doors in this house young lady, whats the matter , you had fun with vinnie?
y/n: he likes someone else...
y/n mom: how do you know that?
y/n: i asked who the flowers were for and he said for a girl...probably not for me...
y/n mom: oh y/n stop that! you guys barely met like a couple weeks ago, take it slow...and we dont know if its for you or not...

*you walk away*

y/n mom: teenagers these days , so in love..

*couple hours later*

*knock on the door*

*your mom answers the door*

y/n mom: oh hello there
vinnie: hey , is uh y/n here?
y/n mom: no shes out with a friend.
vinnie: can you give her these flowers when she comes back and say they were from me:)
y/n mom: of course dear! bye bye now!
vinnie: thank you , bye.
y/n mom: WAIT!!!
vinnie: uh yeah?
y/n mom: your vinnie right?
vinnie: uh yeah , how you know?
y/n mom: oh my daugh- WAIT nevermind . bye vinnie!

*vinnies mind: "that was wierd , maybe y/n likes me....nah she wouldnt like a guy like me...shes too pretty , amazing , smart for a hopeless guy like me , she deserves so much better."*

*y/n comes home*

y/n: hey mom!
y/n mom: look what i have!!!
y/n: Oh flowers, for who?
y/n mom: for you....from that vinnie guy...
y/n: STOP PLAYING WITH ME!! are you serious?!?!
y/n mom: yes i am dear!
(to be continued)

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