Let Me Hate You In Peace

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"Y/N I didn't lie to you I was afraid of what you would think of me...i was neglected and abused growing up foster home after foster home and back to the orphanage more times than I remember" he confesses. Freddy when he was alive never liked talking about his past he always told you there wasn't much to know he never knew his actual mom all's he knew was she was raped and the mean nickname he was given by other kids. You left him alone about it but felt you couldn't know him as well as he knew you and as well as Charles knew you Tiffany knew about his past though since they grew up together. He didn't want the new love of his life leaving him for what he really was if you knew he didn't want you feeling sorry for him either. You look at him stunned and you don't have any words to say "now do you understand why I didn't talk about my past?" He asks you looking at you like are you done? You just nodded and stepped back from him. "Really? You don't have anything to say?" He asks annoyed you take a deep breath and make yourself wake up "you sit up in your bed with watery eyes "I'm so sorry..." You say to no one. "Y/N?" Pinhead calls from the other side of the door "dinners ready lovely..." He says trying to sound happy "i-i'll be down in a minute..." You reply trying not to cry.

Pinhead figures it was best to leave you alone and heads back downstairs to let Hannibal know you were going to at least eat "I didn't know Ash or you asked her out..." Hannibal says with a sigh "most of us have known for a long time you've been in love with her" Pinhead tells Hannibal. "Was it that obvious?" He asks him "well, me and a few of the others have caught you staring a few times..." Pinhead says casually with a small smile "hey guys..." You say quietly as you enter the dining room. "Everything alright?" Hannibal asks you nod and sit down in the third set seat at the table begining to dig in the boys look to each other concerned but dinner went on. Quietly, but it went on you finished and took your dishes to the kitchen Hannibal tried protesting that he'd take care of it but you continued on anyway.

You were taking your time washing your dishes Hannibal later came in with his and Pinheads plates "Y/N, what's wrong? Clearly something is bothering you..." He says worried about you. He then hears you sniffling as he gets closer "oh Y/N..." He dumps his dishes in the sink and goes to hug you "what's wrong?" He asks again. "It's not him, it's not..." He sighs "but it is Y/N, sure he isn't your Freddy exactly but it's him and you know he still loves you" Hannibal says with a hand on your shoulder. "And were all very sorry we've asked you out in the same day..." He adds you sigh and ignore him "Y/N please say something..." He says really worried about you. "Just leave me alone..." You say as you go to brush by him he grabs your hand "Y/N you either need to resolve this or move on..." He tells you sternly "I can't" you hiss as you harshly take your hand back. "He was the only one that's ever loved me and this monster version of him is tearing me apart Hannibal do you know how fractured my brain is right now?!" You shout angrily. "I loved you!" He blurts then realizes what he said "what?" You ask "ever since Tiffany and Pinhead brought you to me I wanted to help you i wanted to care for you..." he starts. You step back from him "I could feel your heartbreak Y/N and it murdered me" he adds "I know you loved Freddy and I know he would've done anything for you but you need to let him go" he says taking both of your hands in his.

Freddy had been watching this from his realm no you most certainly do not need to let him go he wasn't going to let you go "don't worry beautiful... I'm coming for you" He says calmly "please don't fear me, I need you" he adds fighting back a single tear before he stops watching. You slowly pulled away from Hannibal as he had just kissed you "let me help you" he whispers "I love you" he whispers as you pulled away from him "no, you're in love with my crumbling mental state Hannibal" you tell him before leaving the kitchen. And leaving him standing there stunned you went upstairs and locked the bedroom door wanting to be alone for the remainder of the night you sit on the bed confused, scared, and angry. Your confusion that Freddy is terrorizing your dreams yet he claims to love you till your scared state from him you constantly felt like Freddy was watching you from windows, mirrors, and from paintings angry that everyone thinks you can just forget him. "Don't let them get to you beautiful" you quickly look up the mirror beside the door hanging above a little table "what do I need to do to get you to believe it's me?" He asks with a saddened look.

You sigh and look away as he climbs out of the mirror "you knew I loved you and that I'd do anything for you but you lied and killed defenseless kids Freddy..." He sighs "not the best move I've made..." He confesses. He goes and sits beside you but doesn't scoot closer "I know you still have a million questions and don't entirely want to see me but i do know one thing..." He starts as you look up. "You need me, everyone says you need to move on but I say you need me" he tells you cross your arms and look away definitely not wanting to admit you needed your boyfriend back. "Why don't we aid your need?" He suggests "just kiss me and let your need take over" he says like it's that easy "I can't" you reply "you can when you know you need something or someone" he tells you taking your hand in his. "You know you don't want to let me go but you know it's me and you refuse to believe it's me..." He says "deep down you know it's really me and I did make a promise to never leave you this was the way to keep it" he whispers. You turn to face him he sees the need in your eyes you look at his lips then back up to his eyes you see it's him looking into his eyes you could tell but you were regretting leaning closer to him yet you couldn't make yourself pull away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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