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Romeo: Muahahaha! With this teleportation device, I will be able to teleport wherever I want!

Robot: And take over the world, master.

Romeo: And take over the world! Muahahaha!

*Romeo accidentally presses a button and the teleportation device shoots a beam at him*

Romeo: Ah! What's happening!?

*Romeo disappears*

Robot: Master? Where are you master?

At a different place

??: Ugh... Where am I?

???: Luna!?

Luna Girl: Lizard legs?

NN: Ha! Only a ninja master would be able to land on his feet from a drop that high!

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NN: Ha! Only a ninja master would be able to land on his feet from a drop that high!

An Yu: Ahem!

NN: Dragon girl? What are YOU doing here!?

An Yu: Same could be said for you Night Ninja.

Amaya: Uh guys? Has anybody seen Connor?

Greg: Pfft... Amaya, you're sitting on him!

Amaya: Wait, I am?

Connor: Y-y-yeah...

Amaya: Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry! Here, let me help you up.

Luna Girl: Sorry to interrupt your moment, but where are we? And how are we here?

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Luna Girl: Sorry to interrupt your moment, but where are we? And how are we here?

Connor: This has Romeo written all over it. (To Romeo) What have you done this time?

Romeo: I made a teleportation device to try to take over the world!

Amaya: You have been saying that for 8 years and yet you always failed...

Romeo: Shut up bird brain! You never will understand!


Romeo: You say that like it's a bad thing 😏

Everyone: 😑🙄

Romeo: Anyways, then I accidentally hit a button and I was here.

*Meanwhile, inside*

*Meanwhile, inside*

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Greg: And how did we end up here with you?

Romeo: I have no-

*Door opens*

Me: Hello? Is anyone th-

Me: Hello? Is anyone th-

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Amaya: Uh, hi?

Me: Aren't you the characters-

NN: I wish I was a character from some TV show. I would be famous, and everyone would know who I am!

Connor: Characters from what?

Me: Oh, nothing. I just thought that you looked familiar that's all.

Romeo: Ok?

Me: Anyways, I am DaHoomanPrincess, but you can call me Princess. And you are?

*After introducing themselves*

Me: So, what brings you here?

Luna Girl: Because he (points at Romeo) built a thing-

Romeo: Teleportation device

Luna Girl: -and pressed a button and then we're here.

Romeo: It was an accident, I swear! Also, I forgot to add that we have no ways of going home.

Everyone except Me: *groans*

Me: So it looks like you will be staying with me for a while!

An Yu: Wouldn't who you live with mind with us unexpected guests?

Me: It's no problem, I live all alone in this huge castle.

An Yu: I am very grateful for your hospitality.

Me: You're welcome! Now come on inside!


NN: This will be soooo boring with nothing to do!

Me: Who said there was nothing to do?

Luna Girl: Then what are we going to do?

Me: We can play Truth Or Dare!

Greg: Great idea!

An Yu: What is this the truth or the dare thing?

Me: It's basically a game where you either get asked questions and you have to answer or are dared to do something. The only rule is that you don't have a choice but to do what you're told.

An Yu: Sounds fun!

Amaya: I can't wait to play it!

Connor: When do we start?

Me: When we get some truths or dares!

You heard them! Comment some truth or dares for the characters to do! See you in another chapter! Bye!!

PJ Masks: Truth Or Dare!Where stories live. Discover now