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"Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs, but not every mans greed." Mahatma Gandhi

So what does this mean? Well, in my opinion this qoute is about that no matter what you have no one is ever happy with what they have. But it's also about how people are constantly destroying the world we live in based on greed. For example in the novel we're reading "Hoot", Mother Paula's pancake house is tearing down the area that the owls live in just because they want more money for the business and them selves. I think they should try to protect the owls habitat and find a different location to put their pancake house. People like that are just cruel and harsh and selfish because they only care about them selves and don't take the fact that they are  ruining the owls habitat and home in consideration. If it was me i would protest and do all that i could to try and help prevent them from ruining the owls habitat and i would protest against mother Paula's pancake house because they shouldn't be aloud to destroy their home  especially since the species is already on the endangered species list.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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