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Taehyung waiting patiently at the coffee, sometimes he will look at the main door, waiting for his favorite person. He sips his white coffee, a few doctors and nurses will bow slightly at him he just replies with a simple smile until he saw a familiar woman walking to the doctor's room. Taehyung smile and smiles while looking at Sooyoung. Well, at least he knows she is safe. 

Sooyoung is totally busy today, she does not even have time to drink water nor eat. After treating her patients she will rush to the emergency room or have important surgery that needs her helps

Sooyoung take off her gloves and mask, she feels tired and dizzy at the same time

"Youngiee, are you alright?" one of her friends asked 

"I'm fine Jennie" Sooyoung smile at Jennie

"Youngie, your face as pale as a corpse" Jennie still holding Sooyoung her arm, Jennie know Sooyoung is not alright 

"I'm al-" Sooyoung not even finish her words until her eyes closed, luckily Jennie catch her, even not fully catch at least she still can let Sooyoung body fall slowly and Sooyoung head on her laps 

"Youngie!" That was the last words Sooyoung heard before her view turns black

Sooyoung opens her eyes, and the first thing she saw is Hyunjin is sleeping with someone on the sofa, the man is hugging Hyunjin, while Hyunjin is sleeping peacefully in his arm. She looks at her hand and smiles.

Her eyes move to the door, she smiles when she saw her best friends is walking to her 

Instead of getting a hug, she got a slap on her shoulder made her laugh 

"Come on Jen, You need to check her brain too, I think something wrong happens with her brain," Yerin said while looking at Jennie 

"Yeah, I agree with you" Jennie nodded

Both of them are in their casual clothes, that's mean their shift end 

"How long I fainted?" Sooyoung asked Jennie and Yerin 

"10 hours," Jennie said after glance her watch 

"Seriously!" Sooyoung look at them in disbelief but her friends nodded

"and we are visiting you in our day off," Yerin said make Sooyoung smile again 

"Can I ask you guys something?" Sooyoung said to make her friends nodded before her eyes move to Hyunjin

"How can Hyunjin know I am warded," Sooyoung asked 

"Ohh about Hyunjin, I told Lisa that you are fainted and asked her if she free so she can look for Hyunjin for a while. But Lisa, unfortunately, Lisa got an urgent call so she needs to bring Hyunjin here and Hyunji agree with it" Jennie explained make Sooyoung nodded 

"I am a bit shocked when Hyunjin is pretty close to our director," Yerin said while looking at the sofa too while Jennie nodded in agreement 

"He even eats with the director too. At first, people thought that he is the director son because they have the same smile"

Sooyoung just looks at her son who is sleeping with his father. No one knows the truth and no one ever know who is Hyunjin's father because Sooyoung never tells anyone about it including Jennie and Yerin.

"Ok Sooyoung, take care ok, see you soon," Yerin said and hugging Sooyoung 

"Get well soon babe, we need doctor Joy back," Jennie said make Sooyoung chuckle and both of them left the room 

Sooyoung can see Hyunjin move a little before open his eyes, Sooyoung smile at his son 

"Mama?" Hyunjin blinks his eyes a few times before his vision clear 

Taehyung slowly opens his eyes when he heard Hyunjin's voice.

"Hi baby," Sooyoung said make Hyunjin smile and run to her. His small arms wrapped around her neck and hug Sooyoung.

Hyunjin stay on Sooyoung arm until Sooyoung can hear Hyunjin is crying silently

"Hey baby, why are you crying?" Sooyoung asks while trying to lose the hug but Hyunjin tighten his hug

"Mama, promise me after this you will take care of your health first, Mama I'm scared you will leave me, I'm scared mama, I don't have anyone else in this world. I only have you Mama, I promise I won't make you mad at me, I promise I will be a good boy but please don't leave me" Hyunjin said while sobbing on Sooyoung shoulder.

Sooyoung look at Taehyung who is still looking at her and Hyunjin

"Hyunjin-a, I love you so much and I will never leave you alone in this world," Sooyoung said make Hyunjin lose his hug and look at Sooyoung face 

Sooyoung faces still pale but she looks so beautiful.

"You need to eat mama, let me buy you something hot and tasty," Hyunjin said and ready to leave Sooyoung before a familiar husky voice stop him

"Hyunjin-a, let me buy the food, you stay with your mother," Taehyung said and smiling at Hyunjin and Sooyoung but the woman just give her a straight face and nodded, while Hyunjin smile brightly at Taehyung and said thank you 

Taehyung leaves the room and go straight to the cafe and order the food. Not just that, he waits for the food patiently and brings the food to Sooyoung room. He also refuses help from the cafe worker,

Taehyung knocked on the door before opening it, he loves the view where Hyunjin is cuddling with Sooyoung, and Sooyoung brushes Hyunjin hair lovingly.

"samchon!" Hyunjin rushes to Taehyung and helps the man. Hyunjin serves Sooyoung and Taehyung food.

"Samchon, this is your food" Hyunjin put the food on the table while bringing the other food to Sooyoung bed 

Taehyung just looking at Sooyoung and Hyunjin. Taehyung can say that Hyunjin really loves his mother. He even spoonfed Sooyoung and sometimes he will wipe her mouth and watch Sooyoung eat lovingly.

"Yeayy, Mama finish it," Hyunjin said and kiss Sooyoung cheek lovingly make Sooyoung smile.

Hyunjin put the bowl aside before he notices there are blood on Taehyung hand

"Samchon! you hurt your hand, wait!" Hyunjin said before take the first aid kit box  

Hyunjin does it so fast until Taehyung doesn't realize that Hyunjin is sitting in front of him while cleaning his wound. Hyunjin does it carefully while Taehyung still amazes at Hyunjin. He feel useless. A baby that he wanted Sooyoung to abort is cleaning his cut. His son is helping him without knowing that he is the father 

"Done!" Hyunjin said and smile before taking the bowl

"Samchon, let me feed you okay?" Hyunjin said and feed Taehyung makes Taehyung gladly accept it. 

Hyunjin is so close to him until he can see his dark grey orbs clearly, he also has her mother's beautiful eyelashes. He has his eyebrows. He has the same smile like him. 

" Hyunjin-a, can you call me papa"


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