From the start to the end

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In a cruel world, a kind girl was born with two amazing parents. She was named after her great, great grandfather for he was a successful man, and her parents wishing that she could be like him one day too. Her parents named her, Ashlea Barduma A. Parasheena. Her name was angelic and beautiful like the heavens, but fearless like a fire. Though her parents were amazing, but they were forcing Ashlea to do things PERFECTLY. Ash (Ashlea) started entering competitions at the age of 4, but none of the competition she entered gave her a winning award. Ash saw a poster at the age of 8 on a lampstand, she picked it up and entered the competition without her parents knowing. The poster was about a talent show, and her talent was to sing and entertain all the people around her. She got 1st place on the contest, but when she arrived at her house, her parents burst out with anger.


Ashlea: Mom! I won an award!!


Ash: N-no..


Ashly went into her room and slammed the door. The door was locked and no one could get in. And so, she decided to change to be competitive and to not focus on her talent anymore. Days passed by, trees and houses have changed, Ashlea's attitude and mindset have changed, but deep inside the heart is still that curious little Ashlea as she was before. She joined many contest at the age of 12 and won almost all of them, if she ever lose any contest, she punishes herself by just studying all by herself and learning all of the techniques on her own. She is very competitive, every time she does something that looks like a contest, she doesn't want to be in second place or below, she's ALWAYS the first one. But all of that is going to change when she met someone who made her realize something valuable in life.

Mareen: Hey Ashly!! Wanna come to my house later? We can do a sleepover party!

Ashlea: Sorry but no, I will be entering a contest tomorrow and I HAVE to win.

Mareen's POV: Does that girl do anything but contests?

And as always, Ashlea denies a party, gathering, or even her own birthday. All she does in her life, is to be the first in EVERYTHING.

One day she bumped into a guy at school.

???: I'm sorry are you ok?

Ashlea: Do I look like I'm ok?

???: Sorry, I'm XiaoHang! But you can just call me Zake.

Ashlea: Did I even asked?

Ashlea gave him a cold look at their first meet up, but everything changed when she was called by the principal. 

The principal called Ashly and saw the boy that she bumped on.

Zake: You?!

Ashlea: You?!

Both questioned each other what is happening. The principal said that Ashlea will be partners with Zake for the whole school year. They were both surprised, Zake agreed, but with Ashly...

Ashly: Ma'am why me?! There are still many students out there who can take my place, much better students too!!

Principal: Are you questioning my decision Ms. Parasheena?

Ashly: No ma'am but-

The principal directly shut Ashlea's mouth and gave her no choice but to be partnered up with Zake. 

The day of the contest arrived and Zake knew where the contest was. Ashlea was on stage and ready to win, but then she saw Zake waving cheering for her. Ashly's parents were curious on Ashly's face and signs, but they didn't care. Ashlea did good, but when it was time to announce the winners, Ashlea only got 3rd place, and for her she didn't done well enough. The next day Zake congratulated Ashlea, but Ashlea was too disappointed that she didn't thank Zake's congratulations to her.

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