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A/N: I wrote this piece in...2016? 2017? And it's some of my favorite work. I loved writing this and I always love reading it back! Please give me your honest thoughts, but most of all, please enjoy this sapphic mess. 


Earth, Fall 1972.

Earth so far is...interesting.

Magenta can't describe it any other way. They landed just a few short weeks ago, conveniently in the middle of a quiet forest in the outskirts of a town they later learned to be named Denton.

Denton: a small, sleepy town buried somewhere in the growing, ever-so-popular country--America.

Riff Raff made sure to do his homework prior to making haste of this mission and after the successful settlement. Being mostly the brains of the operation, he wanted to know exactly where they are and how safe it is.

("We're all clear Frank-N-Furter, this is just a boring, tiny spec on the planet Earth and won't be a threat if we reside here for the rest of our stay."

"Excellent, Riff Raff, excellent. Now kindly fuck off for some moment, I am in the middle of one of my erotic stories.")

The trio made various trips into town, gathering any and all necessities that were not brought with them from their native home of Transsexual. Checking out the scene and familiarizing themselves with the town was also part of the plan. Luckily, Riff Raff and Frank were able to fix up the broken down truck that sat parked and abandoned near the castle. A lot of conveniences, so they thank the stars and don't question it.

Automobiles are driven on the ground here. It's strange to Magenta because she's so used to seeing driving machinery that never really touches the ground. Everything worked off-ground because of common practicality. They live on a planet of little seclusion; they are able to travel from planet to planet in their galaxy fairly easily-not accessible to everyone, but accessible nonetheless. On here, the farthest they've seemed to reach is their inadequate moon. It makes Magenta chuckle with second-hand embarrassment. At least these beings have enough common sense to have airplanes and such that actually fly beyond their gravity. How have they been getting by with this shit for years?

It's amazing to see how these humans live so similarly to them. According to Riff, Transsexual isn't as ancient as the rock planet Earth, but its culture and society are way ahead of its own. Sex is far more celebrated there than it is here. Watching what they call "television", they don't even mention the words sex or fucking at all. Like, it's some sort of strictly taboo topic. It's absolutely baffling to the redhead. How can these earthlings take something that is so natural and lovely and needed, and turn it into something of unspoken folklore? Something off limits? Other than that none sense, everything else either feels homely or completely foreign, yet fascinating.

What's not fascinating is Frank's ordinary hunger cycle for sex. He's inevitably already grown bored with the siblings, so he is now on the hunt for some new willing playmates. Magenta has no qualms with the matter. She never really did particularly enjoy her sessions with him, so she felt way more than a little relief to hear his announcement that he will be spending more time outside of the castle in search for potential earthling lovers. Go, Frank!

Riff Raff felt the same way, and so to celebrate that, the two had their own series of sexcapades.

Incest isn't outlawed on Transsexual, but it isn't really the norm either. People don't question it. It just happens. Brothers with sisters, sisters with sisters, brothers with brothers, even cousins with cousins. Riff Raff and Magenta never made this a habit back home. They might've done it once or twice, for experimental purposes, but now since they're here, on a completely different planet in a completely different Galaxy, and virtually the only other familiar being with them is Frank, it's easily become a normal occurrence. Nothing to see here, really. But there are no romantic feelings involved. Magenta hasn't been in love with another person since her days of educational schooling. The dick ended up breaking her heart, so she broke his leg. A simple mistake, she told the school and his parents. With big doe green eyes and a small frame, she looked innocent enough, so they left it at that.

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