“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” Said the great words of Mahatma Ghani. This statement is very true to me, but I don't understand why someone can be so greedy for things they don't deserve. I am very familiar with greed. Not that I'm greedy or anything but I know some people I associate with are. Being greedy could put you in some messed up places. There is no point of trying to be greedy if you're not sure if you're going to get what you want. In the book we are reading in class, can relate to greed somewhat.This Mother Paula's Company doesn't care who they hurt or who comes in the way of building there new site. There a is few rare species endangered owls that are living where the Mother Paula's Pancake House is building. They know that the owls are there, but no one cares, they just want their money. They are harming harmless animals just to get money. That is very greedy. Being greedy is a sin and people should learn not to do it so much.