Chapter 1: Sam

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Rachel yawned as she made her way down the stairs towards the kitchen, For her today was an important day and she would not miss it for the world. Both she and her partner were going to adopt a child today.

The couple had talked about having kids over the course of their relationship but were met with the news that they could not bear children. This had upset both of them and they had decided to drop the topic for a while. Lana, not being able to watch her partner wallowing in grief had proposed the idea of adopting a child.

The pair had talked about it over and over again. They had approached multiple adoption centers but to no avail.

Reaching the kitchen Rachel saw her girlfriend Lana, cooking breakfast.

Lana upon hearing footsteps turned around to greet her girlfriend with a smile.

"Good morning, did you sleep well ?" She asked.

Rachel smiled at Lana "hmmm, course I did; once I got over the excitement of adopting a little one today that is," Rachel said with a little giggle following her words.

Lana gave a small grin back at her, "Of course, you did. What else did I expect? You've been talking about it for the past month or so. Come on, let's eat breakfast before it turns cold." Lana said prompting her lover to do the same.

Both of them entered the dining room. The room is a light blue in color with the table being fixed at the center of the room. The was coated in black with a glass top which gave it a look that screamed 'expensive'.

Seating herself down Lana helped herself to a plate of pancakes coated in syrup. Rachel following suit.

Both of them ate in peace with the sound of birds chirping around them.

Standing up Rachel collected the plates and went towards the kitchen to clean the plates. Lana wanted to help her followed.

"We should be able to go out by 1:30 if that's fine with you," Lana said drying the plates that had been washed.

"I'm fine with that. I really don't mind what time we go out, I'm just happy." Rachel said with a smile creeping up on her face slowly.

Fixing her strawberry blonde hair Rachel picked out a purple off-shoulder blouse and a black shirt to go along with the skirt. Placing a few clips in her hair she made her way down to meet Lana.

Reaching down the stairs she saw Lana waiting for her near the stairs.

Walking into the adoption center, they met a woman sitting at the reception.

"Hello, we are here to adopt a child, is there –"

"You? want to adopt?" The receptionist asked with a raised eyebrow glancing at the couple in front of her.

"Yes, is there a problem ?" Lana asked not liking where this was going.

" Course there is a problem, the place doesn't allow people like your to adopt kids, kid needs a mom and a dad ." The receptionist said with a look of disgust as she glanced back at Rachel.

" Why you—" Lana was cut off as Rachel tugged at her sleeves to stop her from causing a scene in the shop.

With a scowl making its way up Lana's face she grabbed her girlfriend's hand as she stormed out of the adoption center in disgust at the behavior of the receptionist.

Sitting on a bench in a nearby park both the girls were hit with emotions. Lana was disgusted and filled with rage at the attitude of the receptionist. Rachel on the other hand felt her heart shatter. She had waited for this day in joy only for in to end disastrously for not only her but her girlfriend. She knew Lana was trying her best to keep herself together. If you looked closely you could see tears collecting around her eyes.

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