Chapter 1: A Weird Link

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"Y/n! Hurry up or we'll be late to school!" My best friend shouts while dragging me out of my house. I groan as she starts running, forcing me to do so as well. When we get to school, I glare at her as I catch my breath.

"I didn't even get to eat!" I complain putting my hand to my stomach.

"That's your fault for sleeping in. You'll survive until lunch," she replies walking away. I scoff but follow behind her to class.

"You owe me lunch since I didn't have time to make any. And I didn't have time to get my wallet," I huff to which she just agrees to. We get to class and talk for a bit until our social studies teacher comes in to start the lesson.

"Good morning class. Before we start todays lesson, I would like to remind everyone to keep up with their assignments and projects I have assigned. Some people," she looks directly at me," are falling quite behind. So today..."

"She was totally directing that towards you," B/f/n whispered with a small snicker. Feeling attacked, I sink down into my seat. I hate this class.

The next class I had was science and that didn't go too bad, for the first half of it. We just did a lesson on chemicals but then we went on with lab stuff. That's when everything went wrong. I somehow mixed the wrong chemicals and it did something that it wasn't supposed to. Yeah... I was suspended from doing labs for two weeks. I hate that class now too.

I had gym class right after and let's just say, I got hit in the face many times while playing soccer. I didn't hate the class. Just the sport.

It was finally lunch and I was so ready to have some food. I was talking with two other of my friends when B/f/n came in the classroom with the lunch she promised to get me. I took it, thanked her and started eating it. While I was busy eating, the three others started talking about relationships. I wasn't interested so I zoned out while devouring my food.

" cute, right Y/n?" I break out of my daze and turn to them.


"Geez she wasn't even listening," one of them says.

"It's because she's not in a relationship," the other girl says.

"What's wrong with not being in an relationship?" I ask offended.

"I mean there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that being in a relationship is so nice. You get together with a guy, date, do couple stuff, kiss, and-" I cut her off.

"Please don't finish that sentence," I say.

"What I'm trying to say is that you should try dating a N/n. You're pretty good looking so you could get a guy easily," B/f/n finishes.

"Why does it have to be a guy? Can't it be a girl?" I ask even though I was pretty much into guys.

"Well, ummm, I didn't say you couldn't-"

"I'm good. I'm perfectly fine with my anime husbandos," I say with pride.

"But you have really bad taste in anime guys. Like half of them are so much more older than you. And some of them aren't even that good looking. You should go for a character like Oikawa from Haikyuu! He's hot and you're the same age," she comments offending me even more.

"Rude. Also Oikawa's the worst character from Haikyuu. I hate him. He's so self-centered and a jerk," I retort. I really did hate Oikawa. There really wasn't anything good about him. He was just a pretty boy who only cares about himself.

My friends started talking again but I tuned out not interested in the topic. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket so I took it out to see what it was. It was link sent by an unknown number. Curious, I decided to click it but was stopped when the bell rang. I'll just do it later I guess.

It was finally last period and I had English so I skipped and went to go practice early. I got ready, set up, and warmed up. Before going to practice my serves, I remembered the weird text from earlier. So I decided to take a look at it. I know it wasn't a good idea to open a weird link sent by an unknown number. It could give my phone a virus for all I know. But my curiosity got the best of me.

Oikawa's POV

"Iwa-chan!" I exclaim waving to my best friend causing him to irk. I tilt my head in confusion. What did I do? I then realized the group of girls that followed me. Oh, that's why.

"Sorry girls, but I have something important to do," I say to make them leave which they do but not without a few whines. I look over to where Iwa was but he was already walking away. Wow, so mean!

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Me and Iwa walk into class and I could already hear the squeals from the girls. I smile and wave causing them all to almost faint. Iwa, who sat beside me sighs in annoyance.


"Yes Iwa-chan."

"Did you do the assignment that's due today?"



"Ow! Iwa-chan! That hurt!"

"Baka. You know how strict our teacher for this class is," Iwa scolds.

"She's not strict," I reply to which Iwa gives me a weird look.

"What do you-"

"Alright class! I hope all of you have those assignments that are due today!" The teacher says with a loud voice making everyone in the class flinch. Everyone passed up their paper, all except me.

"Hold on, since when did our English teacher wear necklaces?" Makki, who sat behind me, asked. Iwa seemed to notice too and looked unsure. She checked off who turned in their assignments then started on with the lesson which confused some people. When someone didn't turn in an assignment, she would usually call them out and yell at them. But I had it all under control.

"Um, excuse me. I don't think Oikawa handed his assignment," a guy who sat beside me said. Everyone looked at me and I held in a smirk.

"Oh that's alright. He can just hand it in when he wants to," she says sweetly. Most people looked creeped out with our teacher's change in voice. She played with her necklace with a grin and Iwa seemed to finally understand what I did.

"You sly-"

"Okay! Now onto the lesson!"

"Why is math so complicated? What's the point of domain and range? Like I'm totally gonna use it when buying things from the store," Makki says with sarcasm.

"Talk about science. Where the heck did all the random neutrons come from?" Matsu adds.

"Being a third-year is so hard!" Both of them say in unison causing to sigh.

"At least you're not bribing the teachers with expensive jewelry to avoid handing in an assignment like some people," Iwa says glaring at me.

"Hey! It wasn't even expensive! It was one of my sister's that she left behind," I defend but Iwa ignores me. We finally get the cafeteria and go to our usual table but I notice someone already sitting there. It was a girl but I couldn't see her face since she was sitting facing away from me. A fangirl?

"Oikawa, aren't you gonna sit?" One of the second years from the team asked. I look towards him.

"Yeah, but there's someone right-" When I turned around again, the girl was gone. My head whipped around the cafeteria trying to find the girl but she seemed to have disappeared. I blinked a few times confused.

"Sit and eat your food already Trashykawa," Iwa ordered. I did as he said but I couldn't get the image of the girl out of my head. Was I just imagining it?

I didn't have a class last period so I decided to practice early. I was just hoping Iwa didn't see me or else he would beat me up for overworking myself. I got changed and set up. I did some laps and stretches to warm up before going to practice my serves. I lined up behind the serving line with a ball in hand figuring out where my target was. Once I found a spot to aim, I took a deep breath and threw the ball up into the air. I ran and jumped up still keeping my eye on the ball. I swung my arm and felt my hand come in contact with the ball. I watched the ball fly over the net and go into the spot I wanted it to go. But something unexpected happened. My eyes widened as a girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere and received it back perfectly.

Two Worlds of Fate Oikawa x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now