The Warning Sign Into A Grave

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Haru was always outgoing and doing more work than necessary but that made him different. Most people would do their job and be done with their work while he would go over things over and over not missing a single detail. He was passionate about his job and loved everything about it. Helping people, saving them, and making more smiles than deaths. He enjoyed putting in the little extra late nights or skipping out meals and sleep to see another happy face. He didn't mind it at all. But he didn't know it was slowly eating him up inside.

WHY? Was he doing this again? Just so another person is safe? While they just say thanks with a smile while he gets nothing in return with just a paycheck that doesn't pay for the amount of work he puts in. No,..... You do this because you love it right? All those years you put in for your dream which is where you are right? SO why complain now? UGHHh Haru shook off his thoughts once again as he slumped into his bed pulling the comforter over his head and snuggled deep into his scary bloody nightmares.

Kambe noticed something wrong with Haru. It was first when he was observing him that there was something off about him. He did have a pretty big downfall with demotion and facing the fact that someone was dead because of him so Kambe didn't think too much of it. When the troupe's hair manned eyes would go dark, the same eyes that looked like they hold such strong emotion whether his eyes would lit when talking about cases or food, the warmth Kambe found in his eyes those same ones would go apathetic into a dark abyss. How the tone of his voice didn't match his facial expression. He always enjoyed watching Haru's satisfied face as they caught criminals and saved people. The glow he would give off as the victim thanked them both and as the taller man would say they were doing the right thing. But now... he didn't have the same glow, he would normally say

" I'm so happy that you are safe, it's what's more important" with a broad smile on his face that singles that he was proud. And those golden eyes that would shine as looking into the sun would blind you. Now dark and gloomy saying" I'm glad you are ok." With a bright mutual tone but his eyes weren't there, They were dimly darkened almost as the sun would never rise again. He would walk away, finish his report and go home with a pat on Kamb's back saying a good job, in a dry tone that was like he was just saying it for a good partnership and nothing more. Like it was just there to be polite, and nothing more.

He was done. With case after case solved over and over, he was tried. Isn't this what you normally have been doing? Why is it so hard to do it now? I DON'T KNOW! Why? Why don't you know? Does it have to do something with Kambe... working with him or... NO!!! He's FINE or maybe you're demotion and you're a murderer, putting people who have killed behind bars but not yourself.. Come on step out of the dark, break the tie and confront what you did. NO! I don't want to...It will just keep coming come on. I know you think about it daily when saving people who could have died thinking they are safe with a murderer as yourself. Say what you have done. I... yes... Kil-ll ... come on KIlled right HER- CORRECT and how can you still call yourself a hero of justi- I DON'T KNOW I WANT IT TO STOP PLEASE STOP you can't make a part of yourself go away, what you can do is accept me, COME ON accept mee HArU~ you can't run away forever, yes take the badge and give it away...

He couldn't take it anymore. He knew he could live with having someone on the grave by his hands but saving people? It is hypocritical. Sure he could be making up for it now by helping others but he just couldn't. Having the feeling of death over him was sicken and wanted a way out. He packed a bag, took his keys and wallet, and left a small letter with the rest of the month's rent in it as he slammed the door walking to his car, and taking his last drive to work.

He looked like hell. Kambe thought as Haru walked in. Wearing a light blue sweater that longed over the top of his black slacks. But he was shaking, his limbs and his face- Looked like he hasn't slept in weeks, his eyes looked like they were dead, his skin now pale, his face looked so small and his body looked like a stick that might be blown away with the slight breeze. Bloodstains were on his wrist as it looked like a cat was scratching at his wrist. Kambe was shook as the rest of the office was. Even Kamei . Yes, they have seen the worst of Haru or so they thought but this... Who could even think that Haru who barely slept and was a mess with work could look even worse?

"Kato-" before Kambe could finish calling him he announced something so shocking that Kambe had to pinch himself to make sure he was not dreaming.

"I quit," Haru says in his shaky raspy voice.

The office went dead quiet as no one could believe what they just heard

" Here's my notice but I will take my leave today, thanks for the fUn times everyone, goodbye." He bowed and turned his letter before anyone could process what happened. They heard their door slam shut and Haru's figure already gone.

No one could find Haru after that. Not even Kambe could, with all of his high technology. He went off the radar. He was shaken from Haru's sudden disappearance, he didn't know how much he needed Haru. He remembers last seeing him, he should have ran after him or at least stopped him or anything. He was drawing himself with regret and self-pity. The only thing he could do was hope Kato wasn't dead in a ditch somewhere. He quit the MCPTF a couple of months after Haru. He went back to England to have some self-reflection on himself and Haru's past behavior to see if he could find anything on the man he realized he loved.

A couple of months later they say they found an unidentified body in the woods found dead. It was soon identified as the body of Kato Haru, the identifier was Ryo Hoshino as the first division was given the job because the cause of the death couldn't be determined as it might be murder. His autopsy resulted in him dying from a poisonous snake bite. But everyone who knew Haru concluded that he died because he wanted to die and his death was a suicide one from letting himself die from it without using his skills to get help and survive.

Kambe brewed no tears as he got up from his couch and opened up a package he got from Haru. A letter, confronting all of his problems and suffering he went through. His inner thoughts, his demons. He wanted to let go of it all and being at the office was keeping him in this endless loophole with the only option of leaving. So he did and wanted to go somewhere far until he was bitten and decided to not do anything about it. Because he gave up in the end. It was easier and his suffering would end. He also realized he loved Daisuke but he couldn't be loved, How could someone awful like me even ask someone like you to love me.

Daisuke looked over Haru's grave as he smiled and put down flowers. I love you too.

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