Sixth Night

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Ian sat against the wall on the office, barely keeping his eyes open, the dead animatronics lying around him, blood still dripping from their crushed metal bodies. He was shaking slightly, still trying to cope with the devastation his counterpart had caused. Sky was hitting the monitors, trying to get them to start working again, but without power, they had no light or cameras. Pewds had managed to pull Freddy's eye out of the door socket and slam them both down. They were jammed again, but the men agreed it was better to be locked in a room with dead robots than out in a restaurant with very much alive, murderous robots. Stephano was perched on Pewds' shoulder as he sat down in the office chair wearily, head dropping into his hands. Ian bowed his head, slipping his shades back on as Sky turned back to his friends. "Well, we've been trapped here for 2 days now." Pewds picked up an empty milkshake bottle, shaking it and sighing when he realised it was empty. "We're gonna die of thirst at this rate." Sky sighed heavily. "Or starve." Ian rubbed his hand over his face wearily. He hadn't said a word for at least 2 hours now. Sky looked at him. "Ian?" He said softly. His exhausted friend looked up, eyes half closed behind his sunglasses. Pewds smiled sympathetically. "Get some sleep bro, you've been through hell." SSundee tilted his head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. "You guys need sleep-" He paused, yawning. ", sleep too." His voice sounded gravelly, everything about him was worn out and he was deathly pale. Sky nudged Pewds. "You rest too, I'll keep watch." Pewds took Stephano off his shoulder, staggering over to Ian over the bloody corpses of the late animatronics. He sat down and sighed in relief, resting his head on Ian's shoulder and curling up, holding Stephano tight like a golden teddy bear. Ian smiled and closed his eyes too, falling asleep instantly. Sky sat down in the office chair, watching his friends in their peaceful slumber. "I owe my life to these two, what if we never get out of here? Trapped forever in cold robotic shells. I can't let that happen to them." Pewds shuffled closer to Ian, and Sky couldn't help but smile as he snuggled up to him. If only Ian could see right now. Sky sighed and took out his cracked phone, taking a quick picture. He smirked before checking it for service. As expected, nothing. He sighed wearily and pocketed it before curling up in the office chair. Just before he closed his eyes he swore he saw Stephano wink at him, and he fell asleep knowing they'd be in safe, golden, hands.
Markiplier stared at the newspaper, eyebrow raised. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria is being planned to shut down. Allegedly alive animatronics are malfunctioning. See pg 13 for more details." He frowned. "I swear Felix went to work there. Better check it out. I'll phone him first, make sure he's ok." He picked up his iPhone, unlocking it and phoning his friend. He sighed as it went to voicemail. "Hello, it's Pewwwdiepie, or Felix. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can!" Mark didn't bother leaving a message, he just put his phone down, sighing. He looked at the newspaper article again, concerned for his friend and the other nightguard/s trapped in that cursed building. "Get back to me when you can huh? What if you never do?" He pursed his lips, making his decision. He stood up straight, rolling up the newspaper and going over to his coat, pocketing the paper. He put his coat on, grabbing his keys and phone before leaving the house, shutting the door behind him. He had to make sure Felix was ok before it was too late.
"Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Pizza and Fun huh? Yeah, somehow, I don't think so." Mark exhaled deeply, his breath fogging in the cold air. He walked forward, the sky darkening above him. He reached the grimy doors and frowned. "Closed for renovation? What?" He yanked on the chains trussed across them. One of the weaker links snapped and a widget of blackness appeared between the doors. Mark gulped before pulling them apart; the crack widened, becoming a gap filled with darkness. He took an uncertain step in, closing the doors quietly behind him before taking out his phone and opening the Flashlight app. He shone the light around, catching his breath when he saw the derelict, rundown mess of a dining room that used to be part of his childhood. He yelled as a deafening screech filled the building, bouncing off the walls. Creepy music started playing, nursery rhymes that had been twisted into tunes from a horror movie. Mark froze as an eerie tip-tapping echoed throughout the corridors, getting louder and louder. He broke into a sprint, diving into another corridor leading away from the terrifying noises, into blackness. Mark ran, his phone held out in front of him, the light shining on peeling posters, crude crayon drawings done by children generations ago. He skidded into a wider space, the dusty tiles beneath his feet squeaking in protest as his trainers rubbed against them. Frowning, he looked down, gasping when he saw splashes of dried blood on the ground aside fresh footprints. The tip-tapping was behind him now. Hysterical, he whipped round and saw a sliding door in front of him. He banged his fist on it with all his might, yelling. "Someone help! Someone- AH!" Something grabbed him from behind, pointed claws digging into him. He turned his head and screamed when he saw a freakishly tall figure standing behind him, leering puppet mask grinning at him. "HELP!" The door opened and he saw a flash of gold and pink before hands grabbed him, tearing him away from the horrifying creature and throwing him onto his hands and knees in a warm, stuffy office. The door slammed shut and the puppet shrieked in fury before falling silent. Mark looked up and saw his friend Felix staring at him in disbelief. "Mark?! I thought you were a goner bro!" Mark got up and hugged Felix tight. "Felix! I thought you danger!" Felix drew away, hands on his friend's shoulders, his grin vanishing. "Mark, you shouldn't of come here. But now you have, welcome to hell." A man appeared at Mark's side, sitting down in an office chair beside some broken monitors. One single dying light shone a dusty, orange, streetlamp glow over the office and its occupants. Mark looked at the man. He was wearing a grey leather jacket and red Converse. He was wearing sunglasses, even in the dim light of the office. Weird. There was another person beside Felix, he was wearing a black jacket and jeans; also wearing shades. Maybe they were part of a club or something. They both looked haggard and worn with dark shadows under their hidden eyes. Felix was leaning against the desk, flicking the wires hanging off the broken monitors. The man in the chair held out his hand tiredly. "Name's Sky." Mark accepted the handshake. Sky gestured to the other guy. "And this is Ian." Ian smiled wearily and dipped his head to Mark. Suddenly, an eerie sound echoed throughout the desolate resturant, sending chills up Mark's spine. "Dum de dum doo dum." Pewds jumped and yelled as Foxy threw himself at the office window, screaming, his mad red eyes rolling in his crushed head. "Where did he come from?!" Ian's neck muscles tensed as he made his way to the window, checking outside. "I think he's gone now dudes." Mark's heart was pounding as Pewds looked at him sadly. "You get used to it bro." He turned to Sky and Ian. "Look, we can't stay holed up in here forever guys, we have to escape at some point." Ian grit his teeth. "How? Foxy, Chica and that golden thing are still out there. Not to mention that creepy ass puppet." Mark stared at him. "Wait, say what?" Sky groaned. "Ian's right, how do you propose we get out of here-" Suddenly, an enormous crash came from the computers behind Pewds. Pewds yelped and leapt away from the now sparking and combusting monitors. Mark stared at the computer screen as it flickered to life. The screen was pitch black, then flashed bright purple. Sky squinted behind his shades and Ian moved closer to it. It flickered and static exploded across it before it settled, flashing purple again. Finally, a man's face appeared on the screen, the image being repeatedly torn apart by static. The man's eyes flashed purple and a wide creepy grin spread across his face. "Hello fellow nightwatchers." He narrowed his eyes as they flashed purple again. "I see you've made it this far...alive. May I ask how?" When no one replied he simply rolled his eyes. "Fine, don't tell me. Do you know who I am?" They shook their heads. He grinned. "Many know me as 'The Purple Guy.' I'm also known as 'The Psychopathic Killer.' Heaven knows why. My name is Vincent, I helped run this Pizzeria before it shut down." He smirked evilly. "I have no idea why it did. Something to do with dead children I think." Ian swallowed hard and took a step back. Mark narrowed his eyes. Sky cleared his throat. "Why are you here?" Vincent smirked again, his image flickering spasmodically before returning to normal. "Why are any of us here?" Ian crossed his arms. "Are you gonna tell us want you want or not?" Vincent raised his eyebrow, then smiled. "I'm here to make you all a deal. Seeing as you're trapped here, at the mercy of my animatronics-" "You're animatronics?!" He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I stuffed dead kids in suits, it's a long story. Anyhow, moving on-" "You what?!" "Please refrain from interrupting me! Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, again; I'm here to make you a deal. If you can make it through tonight, I will open the air vents and allow you passage to the outside. However, Chica likes the vents, so I'd watch out if I were you or you'll run into her." "Hold on, so you're basically sending us into a death trap?!" "I never said it was safe passage now did I?" Mark stepped back; Ian looked worried and Sky and Pewds exchanged sceptical glances. Vincent looked round at them all. "Markiplier; you should lead, you seem like the type not to shy away from danger. Sky; keep an eye out for Goldy, I think he likes you." He winked cunningly and Sky whimpered, remembering his dead friend Mitch trapped in the suit. "Pewdiepie; you're gonna need more than a golden statue to keep you safe here. And Ian..." SSundee went rigid when Vincent said his name. "Might wanna keep those shades on if I were you." He purred. Mark saw from the side Ian's eyes widen behind his sunglasses. Vincent looked round at them all, his eyes flashing purple again as a screech echoed throughout the resturant. "Good luck. You're gonna need it." He laughed coldly. The computer switched off and the doors slid up. Everyone in the room froze as the light flickered on and off and went out, plunging them into thick blackness. The only thing they could hear was eachother's breathing and the gentle tick-ticking of Mark and Ian's watches. Then, they heard something else. A noise getting closer and closer. A monotonous laugh that sounded more like a groan of misery. Ha ha ha. The sound of a body being dragged across the floor. Ha ha ha. The sound of death.

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