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A/n: Hey guys, Author-chan here! I just wanted to say that there might not be frequent updates, but just know that I will try my best with writing! Anyways, enjoy chapter 2!


"Well I guess I don't really have a choice do I"  I thought to myself as I got out of my seat and headed to her office.

Student council secretary, Sayaka Igarashi, was waiting for us at the door to the president's office. "Sayaka, this is (y/n). I have some business to do now, so go make sure Midari isn't doing anything stupid again." "Yes madam president." The blue haired girl bowed and left. 

We entered her office and the air suddenly felt very refreshing. "Have a seat." Kirari said as she signaled to one of the couches in the room. 

I sat on the couch as she grabbed a pile of papers and started reading them.

"So miss (y/n), I see that your father owns the biggest and most profitable casino in the world..." Kirari said as she looked back at the papers.

My face turned bright red. "Um, yeah. he does" I've never been nervous like this before, so why was I so worried? "You know.... you look very cute when you're flustered." Kirari said while putting a smirk on her face.

I laughed nervously. "So, since you have easy access to a casino most of the time, you must like gambling, do you not?" She said. "Oh I gamble. Once I put somebody into debt for 60 million yen." I said. "Thank god she changed the subject"  I thought to myself. "Well that certainly is a lot of money..." and then she asked me a question that would change my entire school life.

 "Would you like to join the student council?" She said as her eyes glowed. Being in the council was a BIG deal. Like, when you walk in a room, all eyes would be on you. "Sure" I said smiling. "All right then. School is over now, so you may leave if you wish." Kirari said. "Ok, have a nice day!" I said and then went out of the room.

 I was panting from being so nervous, but then Mary, Yumeko, and a brown haired boy came running towards me. "(y/n)-san! where were you? are you ok?" Yumeko asked me a LOT of questions, and I answered most of them within 10 minutes. "Oh, (y/n) this is Ryota!" "Hello! it's nice to meet you!" I said to the brown haired boy who seemed to be Ryota. "You too, (y/n)!" he said. 

we all headed home after watching Yumeko gamble at least 3 more times.

While I was walking home, a limo pulled over next to me. a limo. I was very confused until I saw the window roll down. It was Kirari.

 "Need a ride home, (y/n)?" "No it's fine, I only live 5 minutes away so i'll be ok." "Alright, well have a nice night!" she said. "You too!" I said. 

I finally got home and sat on my bed.

 I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put a comfy pair of pajamas my mother gave me for my birthday.

"well gee, that was an oddly exciting day.."  i thought to myself.

I read a book for about 45 minutes before heading to bed. 


Word count: 550


Welp, I hope you enjoyed chapter 2! I'll probably write some more later, but i'm not sure. anyways, bye!


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