Chapter 1

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"We can never go back there." My best friend Kate whispered to me in her Australian accent as we power walked away from a store we had just demolished.

"Add it to the long list of stores we can't go back to." I tell her with a smile.

"How do we do it? How do we knock over an entire shelf of snow globes onto a bunch of blown up balloons?" She asks, baffled by how clumsy we are. I shrug and grin. We walk away in silence, with occasional bursts of laughter. Eventually we reach the coffee corner. The coffee corner is a corner where on the left side there is a coffee bean on the right side of the corner, there is a Starbucks. This works perfectly because I love Starbucks and Kate loves Coffee Bean.

"See you in a minute." I say, walking into Starbucks and joining the back of the line. After I get my drink I meet Kate outside of both stores.

"Where am I gonna get supplies for the party tonight?" Kate asks me once she sees me. I join her in leaning against the wall and sipping our drinks.

"I dunno. There aren't many party stores here." I tell her and take another sip of my cotton candy frappe.

"Thanks for lightening my spirits." She jokes with a grin. "But seriously, where -" She starts but a yell from the other side of the mall interrupts us.

"HUNTI!" A girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes yells at me. My face lights up and i run towards her, slowing into a power walk, because I cant be bothered to run. Not even for Ellie.

"Oh my god hunti! I haven't seen you in forever!" I greet her as we hug. "How was England?" I ask her as Kate walks up to us.

"It was great!" She tells me.

"Hello my dove." Kate greets Ellie and pulls her into an affectionate embrace.

"I've missed you my wife." She tells Kate as she pulls away from the embrace. "I guess you too, failure of a son." She addresses me with love. Me and my friends all pretend we are a family.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Kate asks Ellie as we follow her into Starbucks.

"No outside food or drinks, Kate." Yash, the cashier lectures Kate. Kate rolls her eyes and shows him her favorite finger. "I guess I can make an exception. Because you love me so much." Yash says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm coming to the party." Ellie hands over the money to Yash. "You, Amy and John's parties were legendary in Tanglin." Ellie compliments us and takes a seat. Yash joins us, taking off his apron.

"I'm coming too. So is Ricky." He informs us.

"Well I'm glad me and John wont be the only ones there." Kate says, taking a sip of her forbidden frappe. "We just ruined a supplies store, so we were trying to think of another place we could get supplies from." She fills them in on our dilemma.

"Well I heard a new party store just opened in Great World." Ellie contributes a solution. Kate and I light up.

"Awesome. It was great seeing you guys but we have a party to prepare for." I say and with that Kate and I are off to Great World.


I open the door into Kate and my house and see everything set up. The TV is on and MTV is up. Bowls of skittles and chips are set up everywhere, as well as food on the dining table. There are balloons and streamers scattered everywhere and I place the drinks at the coffee table. I smile when I see trash bins placed at every corner.

"Thank god we have trash bins." I say walking up to Kate, Amy and Ellie, who are watching the TV.

"We don't want a repeat of last time." Amy says, referencing the time everyone at the party got food poisoning and threw up all over the house. Thank god it was Amy's house.

"Hunti, its our song!" Ellie practically screams when Stay with me comes on. The song brings back memories of our prom. Ellie and I couldn't find dates so we went together and funnily enough we got prom king and queen. For our first dance we just messed around to this song. We repeat our routine in front of Kate and Amy, and Lily arrives with her boyfriend Ricky mid-performance. At the end I hug Ellie and sit down, tired already.

"Hey guys." Michael greets us. Amy jumps up and runs to him. She kisses him and we all make a repulsed noise. They grin at us.

"When you guys hook up tonight, do NOT use my bed." Kate warns them. "Never again." She mutters.

"So who's here?" I ask, taking a head count. "7 are here. Who else is coming?" I ask Kate and Amy.

"Yash, Emma, Tim Tam and Eleanor. And any other people who hear about our party." Amy recounts. I nod and grab a handful of skittles. I check my rolex watch that Amy got me for my birthday: 7:48

"We said the party starts 8 o'clock right?" I ask the others for reassurance and they nod in response. Five minutes later Emma and Eleanor arrive and not long after that Yash and Tim tam arrive in a heated debate about something sciency. Lily joins in on this debate and then Kate.

"Yeah, but the fire would burn the glass." I contribute to the debate, rendering everyone silent. Lily, Kate, Yash and Tim tam start laughing at me so Ellie pulls me into a hug and puts her hair over my face and says: "Just block out the haters." We hear a beer can being opened by Amy and she yells out:

"Let's get this party started!"

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