Chapter 2

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"And realize that I've GOT!" Amy and I slur the words to Problem by Ariana Grande and I notice Ellie sneaking upstairs with a man who has dark brown hair and is wearing a shirt with an eclipse on it.

"NO RIKHIL I WILL CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF!" Lily screams at Rikhil. Lily and Rikhil always have huge arguments when they're drunk, which isn't good because Lily is bipolar drunk. Kate stumbles over to me and puts her arm around my shoulder and we cheer.

"JELENATE!" Eleanor comes out of seemingly nowhere and tackles us to the ground. She brings down a can of beer and a bowl of skittles onto us.

"Eleanor!" I yell at her. "This is a great combination!" I scream over the thumping music. I jump to my feet and run off to the bathroom to clean up. I slam the door open and fight Amy and Michael heatedly making out. Amy pulls away, slaps Michael across the face and promptly exits the bathroom, with Michael hot on her trail. I shake my head and stagger over to the sink. Although my sight is quite blurry I can see that my hair is incredibly messed up and I have dried beer and skittles stuck to my face. I wash up and exit the bathroom.

"Guys I think there's a thumb in my beer." Ellie says as she walks down the stairs, her hair sticking out at crazy angles and her shirt on backwards.

"GUYS!" Amy screams and everybody stares at her. "We should play truth or dare!" She reveals her great idea and most people groan in annoyance.

"Okay everyone sit." Kate demands and those who refuse she shoves to the round. Yash throws a bottle into the center and Ellie reaches out and spins it. I notice that she is sitting next to the boy from before. The bottle spins and lands on me.

"Oh come on!" I moan (I know what your thinking and YEAH RIGHT).

"Anyone have a dare for him?" Michael inquires, looking at everyone in the group. Eleanor pipes up.

"Name all the food groups and if you cant you have to-" Eleanor begins but Ellie interrupts her.

"YOU CAN"T HAVE SAMOSAS FOR A WEEK!" Ellie bursts out and I gasp in horror.

"How dare you!" I screech at her. "After all I've done for you! I even forgave you for being a botanist!" I fake cry. " But okay." I agree to the dare.

"Okay, what are the seven food groups?" Lily asks with a grin, knowing I won't be able to do it.

"Carbo, hydrates, proteins, fats, MIIIIIIIIIINERALS! Vitamins! Roughage and fiber and water. These are the seven food groups!" I slay the high notes and bow, sticking my tongue out at Lily. But Lily, being the bipolar drunk she is starts sobbing.

"You are beautiful! No matter how you're shaped!" Eleanor and I serenade her. Emma reaches in and spins the bottle. Ironically, it lands on her.

"What? Yeah right, not even." She says while we all laugh at her.

"I have a dare for you!" I shout much louder than I meant to. "You close your eyes, we spin you around, and then you walk up to someone and you have to kiss them." I say, stealing Amy's dare from a few parties ago, but she doesn't seem to notice because she's too busy talking dirty to Michael.

"Fine." Emma says. She tries to get to her feet but she falls into Ricky's lap.

"Emma are you trying to steal my man?" Lily yells, the bipolarity kicking in. Lily then attempts to pounce on Emma, but Kate and I manage to hold her back in time. Lily then breaks down into tears and apologizes again and again. Emma manages to get to her feet this time and stands in the middle of the circle. I go in and spin her around, then return to my place.

"Im dizzy." Emma says, then staggers forward, reaching her arms out and violently pulling the victim into a kiss. The victim, happens to be Ellie.

"OH MY GOD EMELLIE FOREVER." Kate, Amy, Lily, Eleanor and I all yell at the same time.

"JINX!" We all yell and reach for something red. Kate pounces on Ellie because her shirt is red.

"I win." She says satisfied and returns to her seat.

"Guys, can I have a glass of water?" Emma asks, wiping her mouth from the intense, passionate kiss she just had.

"Emma, don't act like you didn't enjoy that." Ellie says, striking a pose then falling over.

"Okay, I have a truth for everyone." Lily says. We all look at her, intrigued.

"What is it?" Yash asks, too lazy to even sit up now.

"How was everyones first day at university?" She asks with a grin. To my surprise nobody groans.

"Not bad. I have an awesome English teacher called Mr. Payne." I share.

"Yeah, he's really cool." Eleanor adds as she crushes a beer can on the floor.

"He gave me sour mentos. It doesn't get better than that." Kate says with a serious look on her face.

"Okay let's move on this is boring." Michael says and spins the bottle. We all watch with anticipation. It lands on Eleanor.

"ARE YOU EVEN KEEDING ME!" She screams, putting her hands on her face. Lily starts crying because Eleanor yelled at her but we all ignore her this time. She'll get over it.

"I have a dare!" I volunteer. Everyone nods, signaling me to continue. "I dare Eleanor to go to the house next door and meet the person living there." Everyone gasps at my dare, and Eleanor moans.

"Why are you making me talk to people?" Eleanor pleads with me to change the dare.

"It's either that or you have to post a flirty comment on Harold's instagram." I inform her and without another word, she dashes out the door. We all gather at the window and open it. Eleanor awkwardly knocks on the door and waits for someone to open it. Eleanor is speechless at the person who opens the door. The man has green eyes, black hair and has a lot of muscles.

"H-hi, I'm Eleanor." She stutters, introducing herself.

"I'm Don. Don Lothario."

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