Love Me Or Die

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It had been a week since I got here, every time Tenya has to leave he chains me to a bed close enough to the bathroom incase I need to go.

It's been hell.

I'm starting to become confused, he's a bad person that doesn't treat me badly, other then his intimidation tactics and insanity bursts. I think I'm losing my grip on reality.

This week has felt like a thousand. I can't escape. I've tried everything nothing is working. I can't get out.

I stared blankly up to the ceiling as I laid motionless on the soft mattress of the bed Tenya set up for me. I didn't know what to do.

From studying Tenya's schedule I've figured out he usually leaves for a few hours between noon and four then comes back. In that time he's gone I try everything I can think of to find a way out. Tenya is very smart and has left nothing to my opportunity.

The sound of the door opening upstairs was the cue that he had returned. His heavy steps walked around upstairs for a bit before he opened the door to the basement and came downstairs. "I'm home, I hope you didn't get to lonely without me."

He came over to the bed and crouched beside me putting his hand on my face lovingly. "Don't touch me." I spoke blandly and didn't bother looking over.

"Don't be like that." He removed his hand from my face and unlocked my chain around my ankle. "I can do whatever I Please with you, it's in the rules. Or have you forgotten?" He stood up and looked down at me a slight rage hidden behind his eyes.

"I'm a human being not a robot, if I don't want to be touched that's my right not to be." This seemed to anger him more and he pinned me to the bed.

"You're wrong, you're mine. You don't have rights." I looked away from him not wanting to fight him. "Look at me." I refused and he grabbed my face roughly turning it to face him. "Don't break the rules y/n." His eyes bore into mine, the insanity in his shaking me to the bone.

"I'm sorry." He nodded and got off of me.

"Don't worry about it dear." He adjusted his glasses and walked over to the little living room area. "Come watch a move with me, I found one I thought you might like." I obeyed and went to sit by him on the couch.

We watched a movie together but I didn't bother paying attention, he had me sat in his lap and instead of watching I fell asleep. I was so exhausted constantly, mental and physical exhaustion was taking its toll on me.

Tenya of course didn't mind me sleeping in his arms, at least like this I wasn't struggling.

My sleep was anything but refreshing though, I had several nightmares and woke up more tired then when I went to sleep.

"How did you sleep dear?" Tenya asked looking down at me in his arms with a soft smile.

"Not well." I yawned and stretched distancing myself from my captor as I did so. "I'm hungry, can we eat something?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"Yes of course." He stood up with me in his arms then gently put my feet down on the floor. "I was just waiting for you to wake up to make you something." He walked over to the kitchen area and started making something from a recipe book that he bought so I wouldn't have to live off of grilled cheese, they weren't very healthy and he wanted me to have a balanced diet.

"Do you want to take a shower? Maybe change your clothes, it's been a week since you got here and you haven't showered or changed, I don't want you getting sick or anything so it's best to keep you clean. I have some clothes you can wear." I smiled at his words.

"I would love a shower." My hair was matted from the oil and my clothes weren't much better. As he said it had been a week since I showered and I felt disgusting.

"Alright then, after lunch I'll take you upstairs and you can shower since it's only a half bath down here." He was happy I was excited to do something.

After lunch he took me upstairs as promised and I was able to take a shower, I wanted to enjoy my shower, since I didn't know the next time I would be able to take one so it ended up being an hour long. Tenya waited outside the door the whole time for me but put some of his clothes and a towel in the bathroom for me.

After my shower I changed into one of Tenya's pajama shirts and some basketball shorts because they had a drawstring so they could fit me.

As soon as I exited the bathroom I was escorted back downstairs.

"I'm happy you enjoyed the shower, I'll have to set up a showering schedule for you soon." I smiled at him really wanting to shower more. "I'll grab a blow dryer from the store too, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold from your wet hair."

It was strange how much he cared for me, he kidnapped me but he's caring for me. I don't think it would be too bad if no one came to save me. I still wanted to be saved but out of all the people who could have abducted me I'm glad it was him and not someone who had worse intentions.

"Thank you Tenya." He stopped what he was doing and turned to face me cupping my cheeks in his hands gently.

"That was the first time you sincerely thanked me since you got here." He was ecstatic about my thanks. "I knew you'd come along eventually."

"It was just a thank you Tenya, there was nothing else behind it." I didn't want him getting any wrong ideas about the thank you. I still despised him.

"One day there will be." His blue eyes bore into mine the heavy pressure of his gaze making me want to hide.

"No there won't." I gathered as much courage as I could to say that to him, I instantly regretted it.

"You're wrong dear, you might not understand right now but you will. You either love me or die, if I can't have you no one will." He gave me a strange in brace and I flinched at the venom in his words.

If I don't love him he really will kill me.

Word count 1120

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! We're halfway there.

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